I'm trying to make a small program to perform a few calculations but I'm struggling when I want to show the results...
I'm using the Var tab in soft keyboard to save my results in those variables like a, b, c, d, e and so on!
Then I'm also using the built-in funtion solve() to make some calculations.
Then I want t window to pop-up to show the results of solve function but I can't make it work.
The code is:
... solve(b=ma + e, e)=>f Print approx(f) Pause solve(0=mx+e, x)=>g Print approx(g) Pause ClrText
The output shows the first value, "f", correctly but the second shows a number multiplied by "e"!
Any help?
Edited by PsySc0rpi0n, 03 April 2014 - 10:51 AM.