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Delete Ans

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#1 Soduca113



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  • Calculators:
    Casio 86De Plus

Posted 07 July 2014 - 03:55 PM

Hey guys :)

just received my new casio 86de�PLUS and so far i am really happy with it.

there is just one problem, and now its going to be hard to explain it in english :D

i like the function that i am able to change numbers and terms even when i already typed them (the DEL function, chosing the number with the cross).

but i cant change or delete something, when i already calculated something.

example: things in ( ) are what i am typing, the rest in " " is what the calculator is saying.

(26) (+) (4) (=) "30"
(/) "ANS %" (3) (=) "10"
(+) "ANS+" (5) (=) "15"

okay. now i want to change the change "26" in the beginning to 21; so that the rest of the calculating looks like

(21) (+) (4) (=) "25"
(/) "ANS %" (3) (=) "25/3"
(+) "ANS+" (5) (=) "40/3"

Press upwards with the cross, (DEL) on "27" and typing (22) (=) "25"
but its just a complete new term. its like i made a new one. i actually my target is, that if i make a mistake in a really big calculation with several steps to correct it without re-calculating

or another example; almost the same.

(26) (+) (4) (=) "30"
(/) "ANS %" (3) (=) "10"
(+) "ANS+" (5) (=) "15"

okay. now i want to DELETE the second line, with
(/) "ANS %" (3) (=) "10"

doesnt work at all.

i hope you guys know what i am asking, little bit hard to explain, sorry!
would really appreciate a solution :)

Edited by Soduca113, 07 July 2014 - 03:56 PM.

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