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Queries About The Casio Programming


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#1 Corey



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Posted 16 September 2014 - 10:49 AM

Bit of a rookie started programming my casio fx-9860G yesterday. Anyway, After adjusting my searches with multiple terms I have not found a single perfect tutorial to teach me the required commands and their uses. Most of the tutorials are rather basic or incomplete and do not cover a full explanation of the capabilities of this model of calculator. I literally watched a one hour tutorial to only find that the follow up video was abandoned. But anyway.


So I would greatly appreciate an explanation of Every Command in the calculator.

Yes, you heard me correctly, Every. That should minimize and perhaps remove most of my problems in the future.

What I've Covered Already and don't need an explanation for:

- Basic Variables and Text Creation e.g. "What is 1 + 1"?->A

- Clear Text Commands

- Labels

- Goto Commands

- If, Then, Else, If End Conditionals

- The Triangular Slope character (After the Question Mark)

- All of the Relative Characters (Like Equals, Greater, Lesser Than)

- GetKey

- Locate

-The Shorter if Statements '=>'


Commands I broadly understand, but could use some more explanation on:

- While and While end


Convenience Factors:

- Shift + Alpha Allows for easy typing of letters

- Using Casio Manager fx-9860 plus

- Shift + 8 Allows for copying and cutting

- Shift + 9 Allows for pasting


General Knowledge:

- The Different Keys on the calculator are labelled with various Numbers for example, A=76, B=66 and C=56. This can be combined with the locate command.


Ok, Once I receive some help on that I will be very happy.


My Current Project:

To Make my own calculator program which has a menu screen titled 'MATHS' after hitting .exe you are brought to another menu type screen with multiple topics such as 'Algebra','Trigonometry', etc.. When you select one of these topics you may be brought to a sub-menu of topics within that topic or you will just jump to information about that topic. Hopefully that makes sense. If you have any details on the type of commands needed to make this I would be appreciative.


First time here

- Corey.

Edited by Corey, 16 September 2014 - 11:03 PM.

#2 flyingfisch


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:58 PM

Hello Corey and welcome to UCF! You should introduce yourself.


Not sure how much of "every command" I can help you with, but I will try. ;)


First of all, I learned a lot by reading the manual, experimenting, and also the tutorials section.


Secondly, you mentioned you only had a general idea of how getkey works. Maybe we can start with that since it is a somewhat integral part of most calculator programs. getkey returns 0 if no key is pressed, if a key is pressed, then it returns that key's keycode. Note that unlike the Texas Instruments getkey command, this command does not return the keycode of the last pressed key, but rather the keycode of the currently pressed key.


I think there is a diagram of the keycodes floating around somewhere, and I know there is one in the manual. However, I usually used this program to get keycodes:


While 1
Locate 1,1,Getkey


This will show the keycode of the currently pressed key. To use getkey in a program, you can do something along these lines:


While 1
Getkey=79 => Locate 1,1,"You pressed F1!"
Getkey=69 => Locate 1,1,"You pressed F2!"
Getkey=59 => Locate 1,1,"You pressed F3!"


In case you have not already learned this, the => character (accessed by Shift VARS F3 F3) is a shorthand if statement. Here is how it works:


<expression> => <command to execute if expression is true>



Hope that helped, let me know if you want help with any other programming concepts. ;)

#3 Corey



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Posted 16 September 2014 - 11:01 PM

Thanks that explained those commands, clearly. I will definitely use those shorter if statements and that program should be of great use to me.


One question on the GetKey command is there a way to delay it? E.g. In this snippet of code how could I make the program slow down so as to not spam letters when the user presses one.



K=76=>Locate C,R,"A"

K=66=>Locate C,R,"B"

K=56=>Locate C,R,"C"


Where C= Column 1

And R= Row 1

#4 flyingfisch


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Posted 18 September 2014 - 12:37 AM

This should do it:


While [something]
Getkey=76=>Locate C,R,"A"
While Getkey=76
Getkey=66=>Locate C,R,"B"
While Getkey=66
Getkey=56=>Locate C,R,"C"
While Getkey=56

#5 Corey



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 07:31 AM

Thanks now that is working I can continue. But I just thought that I should let you know that what you suggested here was rather confusing and was not needed to make the code work:


While [something]




Thanks again, though.


Edit: Need some more help here are my problems:


Problem One: The exit key does not work within my program! This key leaves a blank character when pressed. The only way to leave the program is to receive an 'argument error' or  to break the program.

Problem Two: The Text which the user types is not saved! This is probably due to Problem One. 

Problem Three: The Delete Key Does not work within my program

Edited by Corey, 18 September 2014 - 08:04 AM.

#6 somebody1234


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Posted 18 September 2014 - 01:49 PM

What text is not saved and what do you need the delete key for?

#7 flyingfisch


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Posted 18 September 2014 - 02:43 PM

Problem one you will have to explain a little more clearly, but if you want to exit a loop when the user presses EXIT, you have to do this:


While Getkey≠47
[ Your code ]


Problem 2 is because when you exit the program the text you put on the screen is not saved. If you want to save it then you have to store it to a string.


Problem 3 is because you have not told the calculator what to do if the user presses DEL.


If you are trying to get user input, try this:




Where the ? is a command to take whatever the user enters and save it to variable A when the user presses EXE. If you want to save this to a string instead of a variable, do the following.


?-> Str 1


The difference is that if the user types B, then the first snippet will store it as whatever number is stored to variable B to variable A. The second snippet will store it as a string literal, so that if you did Locate 1,1,Str 1, you would get A as the output.


Here is an example to reinforce what I said above:


Locate 1,1,Aâ—¢
"Variable"?->Str 1
Locate 1,1,Str 1â—¢


The code will output something like this:




At which point you would type B. You would then see this on the screen:


-- Disp --


You then press EXE, and then get a prompt again, and type B again. This time, after pressing EXE you will get this output:


-- Disp --



A couple of other things:


You can display code on the forums with the code bbtag, like so:


[ code]
some code
[/ code]


Note: I purposely put a space between the [ and code so that it would not mess up the code box I am displaying it in. ;)


You can display inline code like this:


[icode]some inline code[/icode]


The result would be: some inline code







But I just thought that I should let you know that what you suggested here was rather confusing and was not needed to make the code work:


While [something]




Thanks again, though.


I just did that to show that the code should be in some sort of loop so that it will keep checking for keypresses. ;)


Also, the code I gave you is incorrect. You only want the debouncing to happen after the user presses the button, so this is what the code should be:


If Getkey=76
Then Locate C,R,"A"
While Getkey=76
If Getkey=66
Then Locate C,R,"B"
While Getkey=66

If Getkey=56
Then Locate C,R,"C"
While Getkey=56



Hope all that helped ;)

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#8 Corey



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Posted 18 September 2014 - 11:07 PM

I think I'm going to have to show you my code, could you help me out by placing your replacements in green text. 

Note that Comments are displayed with '//' but are not apart of the actual coding

Here it Is:

//Tells C and R Where to initially start from



//Places the Text "Planner" On the first Line.


//Lbl 1 Consists of all the keys which I block the user from inputing

Lbl 1

While Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41


Lbl 2

//Lbl 2 Consists of all the possible keys the user may press and displays a value for those keys. For Example if the user presses '1' U will appear.


Getkey=76=>Locate C,R,"A"

While Getkey=76


//This Goes From A all the way to Z

//Moves the Positioning of C and R to allow for further input



If C>21

Then 1->C





Ok I'd really appreciate it if you could show me what to change. Thanks for the help.

#9 flyingfisch


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Posted 19 September 2014 - 12:16 AM

If you mean what to change to make the debounce work correctly, this is what you have to change, but since I cannot very easily show you what I deleted, I will use comments. Also, you can use newlines to clear up your code a little. ;)


//Tells C and R Where to initially start from
//Places the Text "Planner" On the first Line.
//Lbl 1 Consists of all the keys which I block the user from inputing
Lbl 1
While Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41
Lbl 2
//Lbl 2 Consists of all the possible keys the user may press and displays a value for those keys. For Example if the user presses '1' U will appear.
// I commented out your stuff, mine follows
// Getkey=76=>Locate C,R,"A"
// While Getkey=76
// WhileEnd
If Getkey=76
Then While Getkey=76
//This Goes From A all the way to Z
//Moves the Positioning of C and R to allow for further input
If C>21
Then 1->C

#10 somebody1234


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Posted 19 September 2014 - 12:30 AM

The Getkey should be before the first While.

If you want to store the string, the code should be 

""->Str 1 //At the start of the program or a separate program to clear the string

To process the input,  you can use

Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",44-6K+59int(.1K),1)->Str 1 //shorter code

to display the string, use

For 1->A To Intg(StrLen(Str 1)/21)+1
Locate 1,A,StrMid(Str 1,21*A+1,Min(21,StrLen(Str 1)-21*A)

for displaying the whole string or 

Locate C,R,StrMid(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1),1)

for displaying the string as you type.

Also, this doesn't look like your current project.

Wouldn't your current project be easier to do in an eActivity?

Edited by somebody1234, 19 September 2014 - 12:31 AM.

#11 flyingfisch


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Posted 19 September 2014 - 12:45 AM

Yeah, eActivity is what projects like the one you said you were working on are made for. ;)

#12 Corey



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 03:21 AM


Also, this doesn't look like your current project.

Wouldn't your current project be easier to do in an eActivity?



You are correct, this is not my current project but a stepping stone for that.

Edited by Corey, 19 September 2014 - 03:21 AM.

#13 Corey



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 04:43 AM

The Getkey should be before the first While.

If you want to store the string, the code should be 

""->Str 1 //At the start of the program or a separate program to clear the string

To process the input,  you can use

Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",44-6K+59int(.1K),1)->Str 1 //shorter code

to display the string, use

For 1->A To Intg(StrLen(Str 1)/21)+1
Locate 1,A,StrMid(Str 1,21*A+1,Min(21,StrLen(Str 1)-21*A)

for displaying the whole string or 

Locate C,R,StrMid(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1),1)


Hey, Could you use my example to show me exactly where I am supposed to add this code. Also I can't find 'StrMid', 'StrLen' on the Casio Fx-9860G could you provide me with some guidance on where to find this.

Edited by Corey, 19 September 2014 - 04:43 AM.

#14 somebody1234


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Posted 19 September 2014 - 04:55 AM

I'll refer to the snippets by numbers.

The Getkey should be moved to right after Lbl 1.

1. You can put this by itself in another program in case you need to use it.

2. This replaces Getkey=76=>Locate C,R,"A" (to Z, this replaces all 26 letters so you only need one copy of this)

3. This is probably not what you want. It's like 4.

4. This shows the input on the screen, because 2 doesnt show the input.

Also, the Getkey should be replaced with K I think.
The Str commands should be found in Pgrm -> right x2 -> STR

Edited by somebody1234, 19 September 2014 - 05:14 AM.

#15 Corey



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Posted 19 September 2014 - 07:06 AM


I Referenced How I followed your instructions:

The Getkey should be moved to right after Lbl 1 - Done

1. You can put this by itself in another program in case you need to use it - Ignored

2. This replaces Getkey=76=>Locate C,R,"A" (to Z, this replaces all 26 letters so you only need one copy of this) - Done

3. This is probably not what you want. It's like 4. - Ignored

4. This shows the input on the screen, because 2 doesnt show the input. - Done

Also, the Getkey should be replaced with K I think. - Don't Understand



Hey, Thanks for the help but this program is still incomplete. I am receiving an argument error would you be able to point out where I've gone wrong? 

Here is the code:

""->Str 1
Lbl 1
Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",44-6K+59Int (.1K),1)->Str 1

Locate C,R,StrMid(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1),1)

While Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41

If C>21
Then 1+C
Goto 1

Edited by Corey, 19 September 2014 - 07:07 AM.

#16 somebody1234


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Posted 19 September 2014 - 07:38 AM

If there is a password, temporarily remove the password. Run it, get the error and press exit. Where is the cursor when you exit?


While Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41

should be changed to

Getkey->K //remove the other Getkey->K
Lpwhile Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41

and then put after 

Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",44-6K+59Int (.1K),1)->Str 1

Locate C,R,StrMid(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1),1)

Edited by somebody1234, 19 September 2014 - 11:27 AM.

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#17 Corey



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Posted 20 September 2014 - 12:43 AM

There is no password on this program. This time its a bit better, but still not working! I don't get an argument error when I open the program. But I get a syntax error when I press any key. If you can't find any problems in my coding I might ask some questions:

1. Is there a way to shorten the green coding? And 2. is the red '.' suppose to be the dot key next to '0' and 'exp'


Also why doesn't the Casio Manager Fx9860g Plus not have any of the string commands! In the Vars Menu there is no 'Str' and in the Program menu there is no third page. Fortunately my calculator does but its kinda a pain still.


Here is the code:

""->Str 1
Lbl 1
LpWhile Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41

Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",44-6K+59Int (.1K),1)->Str 1

Locate C,R,StrMid(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1),1)

If C>21
Then 1+C
Goto 1

Edited by Corey, 20 September 2014 - 12:46 AM.

#18 flyingfisch


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Posted 20 September 2014 - 01:15 AM

Ah, Strings were introduced in the GII models. Not sure if there is a way to get it for the Gplus model. :-\

#19 somebody1234


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Posted 20 September 2014 - 04:40 AM

But I thought the G AU was the Australian model of the GII. If it is a G AU Plus, what version is it (under system)? Also, I don't think you will need strings in your final project.

Edited by somebody1234, 20 September 2014 - 05:20 AM.

#20 Corey



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Posted 20 September 2014 - 08:39 AM

But I thought the G AU was the Australian model of the GII. If it is a G AU Plus, what version is it (under system)? Also, I don't think you will need strings in your final project.

I am using the Fx-9860G AU. Version 02.02.1201

And the Fx-9860G Manager Plus.


Any fixes for the program? If not I might just ditch it and start the final project.

#21 somebody1234


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Posted 20 September 2014 - 08:57 AM

For the FX-9860G AU there are no string functions. Because there are no string functions, I don't think you will be able to let the user enter data. However, you can still display text.

#22 Corey



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Posted 20 September 2014 - 10:04 AM

For the FX-9860G AU there are no string functions. Because there are no string functions, I don't think you will be able to let the user enter data. However, you can still display text


I don't know how I did it but anyway here is the full name Casio FX-9860G AU Plus. My calculator has the string functions, but the 9860g Manager Plus on my PC does not.

Apologies, if there was any confusion from my accidental leaving out the plus at the end. 

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Posted 20 September 2014 - 10:30 AM

The line with the alphabet is wrong. (oops.)

Here's a webpage detailing how to do this. http://www.spiderpix...bhtml/mopt.html

The line with the alphabet should be replaced with

6-10Frac (K/10)->R
Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",8-Int (K/10)+5R+R(R<3),1)->Str 1

I think.

Edited by somebody1234, 20 September 2014 - 11:01 AM.

#24 Corey



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Posted 21 September 2014 - 12:58 AM

Bad News, Still receiving errors

Here is the code:

""->Str 1
Lbl 1
LpWhile Getkey=0 Or Getkey=31 Or Getkey=79 Or Getkey=69 Or Getkey=59 Or Getkey=49 Or Getkey=39 Or Getkey=47 Or Getkey=29 Or Getkey=78 Or Getkey=68 Or Getkey=58 Or Getkey=48 Or Getkey=77 Or Getkey=41

6-10Frac (K/10)->R
Str 1+StrMid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",8-Int (K/10)+5R+R(R<3),1)->Str 1

Locate C,R,StrMid(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1),1)

If C>21
Then 1+C
Goto 1

#25 Krtyski


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Posted 26 October 2014 - 01:03 PM

As you have already experienced, Getkey and Do loop or While loop are very good combination to learn how to use.

Let me tell you one tip about Getkey commandd which nobody still has not mentioned.


There is a certain time frame (time range in some tens of mili-seconds) when Getkey can acquire key code after the last key was pressed.


In While or Do loop, there should be some delay in exact timing Getkey acquires key code after the moment the key is actually pressed. If the time delay is too long, Getkey cannot acquire the key code then it returns '0'.


So if you put Getkey command in rather big While or Do loop, you may miss to acquire key code. In other words, in order to write key code acquisition routine, the loop should be small as much as possible.

Edited by Krtyski, 26 October 2014 - 01:06 PM.

#26 flyingfisch


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Posted 31 October 2014 - 02:28 PM

If you don't have string functionality on your calc, try contacting Sheepolution. He wrote a BASIC program that let's you use matrixes as strings.

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