Bit of a rookie started programming my casio fx-9860G yesterday. Anyway, After adjusting my searches with multiple terms I have not found a single perfect tutorial to teach me the required commands and their uses. Most of the tutorials are rather basic or incomplete and do not cover a full explanation of the capabilities of this model of calculator. I literally watched a one hour tutorial to only find that the follow up video was abandoned. But anyway.
So I would greatly appreciate an explanation of Every Command in the calculator.
Yes, you heard me correctly, Every. That should minimize and perhaps remove most of my problems in the future.
What I've Covered Already and don't need an explanation for:
- Basic Variables and Text Creation e.g. "What is 1 + 1"?->A
- Clear Text Commands
- Labels
- Goto Commands
- If, Then, Else, If End Conditionals
- The Triangular Slope character (After the Question Mark)
- All of the Relative Characters (Like Equals, Greater, Lesser Than)
- GetKey
- Locate
-The Shorter if Statements '=>'
Commands I broadly understand, but could use some more explanation on:
- While and While end
Convenience Factors:
- Shift + Alpha Allows for easy typing of letters
- Using Casio Manager fx-9860 plus
- Shift + 8 Allows for copying and cutting
- Shift + 9 Allows for pasting
General Knowledge:
- The Different Keys on the calculator are labelled with various Numbers for example, A=76, B=66 and C=56. This can be combined with the locate command.
Ok, Once I receive some help on that I will be very happy.
My Current Project:
To Make my own calculator program which has a menu screen titled 'MATHS' after hitting .exe you are brought to another menu type screen with multiple topics such as 'Algebra','Trigonometry', etc.. When you select one of these topics you may be brought to a sub-menu of topics within that topic or you will just jump to information about that topic. Hopefully that makes sense. If you have any details on the type of commands needed to make this I would be appreciative.
First time here
- Corey.
Edited by Corey, 16 September 2014 - 11:03 PM.