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Pokemon, Only Thinking About, No Release [Fx-9860G]

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#1 p4nix



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 05:36 PM


I've been thinking a while about a Pokemon on my calculator.

Some testings with drawing tiles 16x16 on the whole screen gave me a fast enough result,

without further improvement needed. So Speed is definitely not a problem. But I found one problem,

where I definitely need help. And that's memory.


The application's variable memory is something about 8000 bytes. That might be enough for the pics

of 100 Pokemons, monochrome, 16x16. But that's definitely not enough for a whole World, as big as

the one in the Pokemon universe. So the approach must be: procedural generated terrain.

There won't be any speed problems, if we are talking about something like fractals like Mandelbrots

and stuff, because we only need to calculate 8 x 4 = 32 dots on our 'graph' and then let the outcome

deside, which tile comes out.

But why fractals? Mmh. I don't want neighbour cells decide about the next tile-cell. It would be too complex.

I only want to calculate 8 or 4 new tiles, which won't be saved. We're not talking about a minecraft world,

generating itself randomly. We are talking about a pokemon-world without randomness at all.

I just want to have a function, give it a x and y value, and it should return the right tile. And the world

should look good, of course.


One Approach would be to use many fractals, for example a Mandelbar, power 4 for the ways, if it was slimmer.

Or something like that (take a look at this: http://www.relativit...als_powers.html).



So: If you have some ideas for a world generation, post here. And if you have some tips, which would be helpful

for something like Pokemon, write them her as well.


I know Casio-scene seems pretty down, but give it a try..





PS: If there are some updates to the project, I'll post em. I'm not sure if this project

will and can be made. But if you are willing to team up, answer as well.

#2 scientifix


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 06:57 PM

Look here http://www.planet-ca...-1-pokemon.html

#3 p4nix



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Posted 14 November 2014 - 08:22 PM

I've already seen this project and I'm impressed. Anyway my french is not very good.

But as far as I've seen, it's only about the fights, not the RPG-style.

Am I right with this?



I readed some more, and also downloaded it. But if I understood the french right, he also complained about memory,

didn't he? But maybe Maps aren't that bad. But if it can be done procedural, it should be!

Edited by raz0r, 15 November 2014 - 06:30 AM.

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