Here is a sample program how to use Input Box for fx-5800P,
I have posted about Input Box here. This Temp Conv program is introduced input operation in the article with some photo of fx-5800P display.
I believe Input Box makes your Casio Basic program more user friendly and gives good usability (better visibility and perspicuity) to a sort of conversion program.
File Name: TempConv
0→A While 1 Cls "1: ˚C" "2: ˚F" "3: K" If A:Then Locate 4,1,C Locate 4,2,F Locate 4,3,K IfEnd Locate 13,1,"˚C" Locate 13,2,"˚F" Locate 13,3," K" Locate 1,4,"<EXIT>" Locate 11,4,"<FMLA>" -1→M Do Getkey→L LpWhile L=0 L=35⇒1→M L=36⇒2→M L=37⇒3→M L=74⇒4→M L=73⇒Break Locate 1,4," " If M=1:Then 4→X:1→Y:9→D:2→E Prog "IN":Z→C (9÷5)C+32→F C+273.15→K 1→A Else If M=2 Then 4→X:2→Y:9→D:2→E Prog "IN":Z→F 5(F-32)÷9→C C+273.15→K 1→A Else If M=3 4→X:3→Y:9→D:2→E Prog "IN":Z→K K-273.15→C (9÷5)+32→F 1→A Else If M=4 Then Cls Locate 2,1,"C = 5(F-32)÷9" Locate 2,2,"F = (9÷5)C+32" Locate 2,3,"K = C+273.15" Locate 11,4,"<EXIT>" While Getkey≠73 WhileEnd While Getkey WhileEnd IfEnd:IfEnd IfEnd:IfEnd WhileEnd Cls Locate 7,2,"BYE!"
Just for comparison, below is a program using only Casio Basic input command;
File Name: TC
0→A while 1 Cls "1: ˚C" "2: ˚F" "3: K" If A:Then Locate 4,1,C Locate 4,2,F Locate 4,3,K IfEnd Locate 13,1,"˚C" Locate 13,2,"˚F" Locate 13,3," K" "INPUT MENU N˚"?→M Cls If M=1:Then "˚C"?C C(9÷5)+32→F C+273.15→K 1→A Else If M=2 Then "˚F"?F 5(F-32)÷9→C C+273.15→K 1→A Else If M=3 Then "K"?K K-273.15→C C(9÷5)+32→F 1→A IfEnd:IfEnd IfEnd WhileEnd
Please compare usability of TempConv with TC.
Edited by Krtyski, 13 July 2015 - 09:33 AM.