I'm trying to write some programs for my Numerical Methods class, so I'm starting with the Bissection Method, in Root Aproximation.
ClrText Input a,"enter initial estimate" Input b,"enter final estimate" Input n,"enter number of iterations" InputFunc f(x),"enter the function" 1 -> i While i <= n Print a Print b (a+b)/2 -> x Print x If f(a)*f(x) <= 0 Then Print abs(x-b) x -> b ElseIf f(a)*f(x) >= 0 Then Print abs(x-a) x -> a IfEnd i+1 -> i WhileEnd
What I would like to do, is to display it on a table or list.
If the number of iterations are greater than 5, I only see the last 6 on the display window.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!