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cuesti?n en espa?ol sobre el espacio de estado

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#1 tonidiego



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Posted 20 August 2003 - 12:11 PM

Saludos, espero que algui?n me entienda y me responda.
Estoy cursando una ingenier?a en la UMH (www.umh.es) en espa?a. En una asignatura tratamos de aprender el control de sistemas basado en el espacio de estado. En resumen me gustar?a que mi calculadora (casio algebra fx 2.0) pudiera calcular el rango de una matriz, los valores propios de una matriz, la condici?n de una matriz, etc. Cuantas m?s funciones de matrices mejor.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Ser? el ?nico castellanoparlante que quiera esto...

#2 Endi


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Posted 20 August 2003 - 12:25 PM


Can someone translate it?

#3 Bob Vila

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Posted 20 August 2003 - 01:15 PM

Greetings, I expect that algui?n understand myself and respond. I am studying an engineering in the UMH (www.umh.es) in Spain. In a subject we try to learn the control of systems based on the space of state. All in all would please me that my calculator (casio algebra fx 2.0) could calculate the rank of a headquarters, the own values of a headquarters, the condition of a headquarters, etc. As many more better functions of headquarters. Many thanks beforehand. I will be the ONLY castellanoparlante that want this..

#4 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 20 August 2003 - 02:12 PM

I told him to type it in spanish so that betoe or brazzucko could help him better.

#5 Bob Vila

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Posted 20 August 2003 - 03:49 PM


#6 betoe


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Posted 20 August 2003 - 08:47 PM


Bienvenido a este foro, yo tambi?n soy estudiante de ingenier?a y probablemente pueda ayudarte ya sea en el desarrollo de un programa o para buscar uno en la red. Si usas MSN messenger agr?game, toma en cuenta nom?s que soy un usuario de M?xico y me conecto aqui en las noches.

@everybody: i will translate the erros of the bob's translation:

I expect that someone understand me and answer me. I am studying an engineering in the UMH (www.umh.es) in Spain. In a subject we try to learn the control of systems based on the space of state. All in all would please me that my calculator (casio algebra fx 2.0) could calculate the rank of a matrix, the own values of a matriz, the conditions of a matrix, etc. As many more functions of matrixs you can give me, it will be better for me. Many thanks beforehand. I will be the ONLY spanish-speaking guy that want this..

#7 Brazzucko


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Posted 23 August 2003 - 01:37 PM

:D Well my Spanish isn?t so good like I want, I have some problems to write ( I mix Portuguese whit Spanish so I took much time to write in Spanish, and now I don?t have much time ), so I will response in Portuguese ( please Betoe and Tonidiego tell-me if you understand-me, if not I will do it in Spanish ).

And sorry for the non Portuguese and Spanish speakers?..

Se eu n->o estou enganado tal programa j? foi elaborado por um engenheiro ( se n->o me engano americano, mas sinceramente n->o sei de qual ramo das engenharias ), e tal programa se encontra dispon?vel para donwload em um site da qual n->o me lembro o endere?o.

Para j? convinha que eu soubesse qual ? a engenharia que voc? Tonidiego est? a estudar, pois se n->o me engano h? diferentes programas para diferentes tipos de engenharia ( como por exemplo a civil, mec?nica e etc. ).

Bem eu estou estudando engenharia civil ( estou no primeiro ano ) e na minha universidade aparentemente sou o ?nico que sabe programar em BASIC, e como tal sou a pessoa procurada para fazer tais programas ou para localiza-los na Internet.

Neste momento eu estou um bocado limitado de tempo, mas prometo procurar pelo tal site para vos indicar e a claro todos aos outros membros do UCF aonde poder->o encontrar tal programa.

Antes que esque?a nesse site poder->o encontrar muitos outros programas para estudantes universit?rios.

#8 epaloco


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:57 AM

che a ver si alguien me puede ayudar con esto porque hize la pregunta en ingles pero ni pelota me parec euqe no me entendieron
alguien que me diga si la afx2.0 puede hacer graficas de funciones pero dada su representacion segun fourier o sea en la forma de sumatorias

o sea como hago para que me grafique la sumatoria ponele de 1 a 5 de (-1)^n*cos(2X)

porque trato en la parte de funciones pero es imposible no te deja poner el signo de sumatoria ahi...
alguien que me diga..cpaaz que es con lo de recursion o algo pero la verdad no encaro como hacerlo algun aayuda les dejo mi msn

incomputacion AT hotmail.com

gracias gente

#9 betoe


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 05:06 AM


Hola amigo uruguayo, te agregu? a mi MSN ya. Yo hice gr?ficas de series de fourier hace un a?o pero las hice solo para un valor de n=5 mas o menos. Tienes que escribir manualmente la sumatoria hasta el t?rmino que desees, no hay forma de hacerlo como una sumatoria(apenas ingeni?rselas para hacer un programa...).

#10 huhn_m


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 10:21 AM

Well it would be greate if someone could translate or at least give a short information what they talk about!
I don't speak spanish and want to remind you that this is an english forum. If everyone speaks his language
it is sneseless. even if you don't speak very well english most will understand you better than if you write in spanish.

#11 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:27 PM

I asked them to speak spanish in this one, the guy asking the question cant understand english.

#12 huhn_m


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Posted 24 August 2003 - 12:36 PM

oh, sorry :D I'll accept this :)

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