Hello everyone, Im trying to learn some programming, and right now Im practicing making programs on my Casio fx 9750gii
This program is a like a test for me but will also be a little useful, it calculates bending moment in a concrete beam.
"b="?->A "d="?->B "fcd="?->C "fyd="?->D "As="? ->E "Moment="?->F //so far so good, this is where the magic doesn't happen.. :-( If F=0 Then "#E658=" W->(E*D)/(A*B*C) "m=" N=W(1-0,5*W) "M=" F=N*A*B^2*C else If E=0 Then "m=" N->F/(A*B^2*C) "#E658=" W=1-(sqrt(1-2*N)) "As=" E=(W*A*B*C)/D If end
How should the statements be designed to make this work.. In the end I would like all the values to be presented and to make the presentation for the correct letter "M=" for the function F for example.
Thanks in advance!