This is my first post and i need help.
I trying to write a program on my Prizm. I am exposed to c++ and python with a hint r. I think my problem is mostly a syntax error, but here we go.
here is my code so far.
Lbl 0 "1 for option 1" "2 for option 2" "3 for option 3" "4 for option 4" "5 for option 5" ?->A A=1 =>GoTo 1 A=2 =>GoTo 2 A=3 =>GoTo 3 A=4 =>GoTo 4 A=5 =>GoTo 5 Lbl 1 ClrText "option 1" ?->B math function on B output number(idk how to do the output symbol) GoTo 0 Lbl 2 ClrText "option 1" ?->B math function on B output number(idk how to do the output symbol) GoTo 0 Lbl 3 ClrText "option 1" ?->B math function on B output number(idk how to do the output symbol) GoTo 0 Lbl 4 ClrText "option 1" ?->B math function on B output number(idk how to do the output symbol) GoTo 0 Lbl 1 ClrText "option 1" ?->B math function on B output number(idk how to do the output symbol) GoTo 0
This post was in the wrong section so i moved it.
So my issue is now that I can jump to the correct section and ask for a new input how would I do a math function on "B", then output the results?