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Solar Panel/dual Power On Fx-991Spx Iberia

solar panel FX-991SPX Iberia

Best Answer frankmar98 , 13 May 2016 - 07:09 PM

I have the fx-991 spx iberia, and it works without batteries, but you need an acepetable amount of light, same as in the 991 ES Plus.


This calculator is more powerful than the 991 es plus, and requires more power. Because of that, the solar panel is bigger.

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#1 Metaleer



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 04:00 PM

Hey, all


So I have just purchased a brand-new FX-991SPX Iberia. :rock:


I was curious; unlike its predecessor, the FX-991ES, will it also work with a dead battery, or with no battery in the compartment? I'd look for a screwdriver to test, but I can't find it now. :banghead:


The reason I ask is because when sufficient light is available, there's a round sun-type icon in the upper-right corner, something that the FX-991ES did not show. :blink:


I'd understand that variables would be lost if the battery were removed, or completely dead, but it'd be neat if the calculator atleast worked. :greengrin:



#2 frankmar98


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Posted 13 May 2016 - 07:09 PM   Best Answer

I have the fx-991 spx iberia, and it works without batteries, but you need an acepetable amount of light, same as in the 991 ES Plus.


This calculator is more powerful than the 991 es plus, and requires more power. Because of that, the solar panel is bigger.

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#3 Metaleer



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 07:27 PM

I have the fx-991 spx iberia, and it works without batteries, but you need an acepetable amount of light, same as in the 991 ES Plus.


This calculator is more powerful than the 991 es plus, and requires more power. Because of that, the solar panel is bigger.


Thank you for answering. :thumbsup:

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