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Insufficient Memory To Run

Best Answer Viliami , 28 May 2016 - 06:22 AM

You have to optimize your flash memory. Go to:

Settings -> Memory Management -> Yes on the dialogue box.


When you delete something, it doesn't fully delete it off the calculator until you optimize it, which is why the files were empty yet still out of space.

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#1 casiouser123



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 05:45 AM

So I'm doing a course in high school mathematics that requires me to use an "Eactivity", although it is something I don't technically NEED it obviously extremely helpful during timed sessions such as exams (I have the ClassPad II version).

The problem is that every time I try to open an Eactivity with any thing in it I get the same recurring message "Insufficient Memory to Run..." and when ever I try to insert a strip for something like a numsolve or whatever it is I get the message "Insufficient Memory".


How do I fix this? I have stripped my clasped to basically nothing apart from what I had when I bought the thing so there is no reason that I can think of as to why I'm "Out of memory." 


I did drop my classpad and afterwards it started having this problem but I didn't drop it very from very high so I'm confused about if my clasped is faulty now as a result of the small physical damage or if there is a technical issue at hand and it's just coincidence.


So basically, did I break my classpad or is there something more to it?

#2 Viliami


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Posted 28 May 2016 - 06:22 AM   Best Answer

You have to optimize your flash memory. Go to:

Settings -> Memory Management -> Yes on the dialogue box.


When you delete something, it doesn't fully delete it off the calculator until you optimize it, which is why the files were empty yet still out of space.

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#3 casiouser123



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Posted 28 May 2016 - 06:53 AM

Thank you. I tried it and at first it didn't work so I reset my clasped's eacivities, storage, variable etc and then I did your thing and it worked.


Glad it's not broken!

Edited by casiouser123, 28 May 2016 - 06:54 AM.

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#4 Stefos1



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Posted 29 October 2016 - 01:14 AM

Hi everyone,


I understand that a person has to optimize the flash memory.


Does this calculator now run very fast since the optimization?  Is 2d & 3d graphing fast?


I have seen YouTube videos on the 2d graphing and the Casio CP400 is moving slow in comparison to the HP Prime & HP 50G.


I am looking at the Classpad 400 as a purchase.




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