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Vector calculations

Casio fx-0750GII Vector

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#1 TheBarrelLord



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    casio fx-9750GII

Posted 26 September 2018 - 12:53 PM

Hello, I bought a casio fx-9750GII Calculator and I am not very good using it and I either am bad at finding info on this or there is none. Is it possible to draw cand calculate vectors with this calculator?

#2 pan.gejt


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Posted 26 September 2018 - 03:41 PM

Unfortunately vector calculations cannot be performed on the fx-7400GII/fx-9750GII

But you can write your own program for following calculations by using lists very easily. List 1 and List 2 is used as examples. You can stored the results to another lists if needed.


• Addition, subtraction, multiplication
   • Scalar multiple calculations
   • Dot product calculations
   • Cross product calculations
   • Determination of the vector norm (size)
   • Determination of the angle formed by two vectors
   • Determination of the unit vector
addition: List 1 + List 2
substraction: List 1 - List 2
multiplication: k*List 1, k*List 2
dot product: sum(List 1 * List 2)
cross product for vectors with 3 components, the List 3 is output:
List 12*List 23 - List 13*List 22 ->List 31
List 13*List 21 - List 11*List 23 ->List 32
List 11*List 22 - List 12*List 21 ->List 33
norm size:
sqrt(sum(List 1)^2)
sqrt(sum(List 2)^2)
 and so on
You can use the command F-line to sketch the vectors in the program also. But it is limited for 2D vectors only 
Edited: The black squares in the cross product formula should be square brackets (shift + "+" and shift + "-") with the corresponding number inside- e.g. [ 1 ]

Edited by pan.gejt, 26 September 2018 - 04:22 PM.

#3 pan.gejt


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Posted 28 September 2018 - 01:06 PM

You can try my approach to vector calculations for 2 vectors with 2 or 3 components. The notation I used is simple - vector A has components AX, AY, resp. AZ and vector B has components BX, BY, resp. BZ. Not all results are stored.

There is 1 main program called "VECTORS" and 3 subroutines, which are called in main program:

- 2DVCTDRW is for drawing the vectors 

- 2DVECTOR is for calculations 2D vectors

- 3DVECTOR is for calculations 3D vectors


After starting the main program you need to input 4 components - AX, AY, BX and BY. In the next step you need to select the choice for 2D or 3D. If you chose 3D, you need to input the rest of components - AZ and BZ. Thats all. After pressing the EXE button you will see the results. At the end of calulations is a question if you want to calculate the scalar multiplication so you need to chose no or yes. This calculation is rare so I set this as the option.

Selecting the NO option leads to end of the program, selecting the YES option will calculate the multiplication.


If you need to change the View Window settings (default is -10,10,2,-10,10,2), you can do it by editing 2DVCTDRW program.



The supported calculations are:


- addition

- subtraction

- dot product

- cross product

- vector norm

- angle

- unit vector

- area

- scalar multiplication (based on choice)

- drawing vectors (for 2D vector only)





Edited by pan.gejt, 28 September 2018 - 01:12 PM.

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