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3D Plot of Matrix

plot matrix

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#1 hag74



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  • Calculators:
    Classpad 2

Posted 22 December 2018 - 02:31 PM

I like to have a 3D plot of a matrix on a Classpad 2. Lets assume that the matrix contains discrete sampling points. The both indices should by the x- and y- values. The matrix entries should be z-values. 

I used the 3D Plot of the Classpad and entered:

v[int(x), int(y)]

Let's assume v is the name of the matrix.

This function definition does not work. The calculator is plotting nothing but it works in the main window.

As a next step I tried the same in the Graphics/Table window. Since it can just do 2D plots I set the variable y to a constant value. Now I'm getting an error message,

Interesting is that plotting works fine if I enter for x and y  fixed values.

Is there anybody  who knows how to plot an matrix?



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