This is currently my version of the Breakout game on the FX-9860GII. It is super simple right now, I plan on adding a rotating map list and power ups. The code has redundancy because some parts are either left over or have not been implemented yet or just poorly written.
The map is a 10x5 with fixed block sizes but I think I might add another size (vertical block)
I'd add the executable but I don't know how.
Also, I have not heavily commented yet, so the code might not be easy to figure out its function
/*****************************************************************/ /* */ /* CASIO fx-9860G SDK Library */ /* */ /* File name : [ProjectName].c */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2006 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************/ #include "fxlib.h" #include "stdio.h" //**************************************************************************** // AddIn_main (Sample program main function) // // param : isAppli : 1 = This application is launched by MAIN MENU. // : 0 = This application is launched by a strip in eACT application. // // OptionNum : Strip number (0~3) // (This parameter is only used when isAppli parameter is 0.) // // retval : 1 = No error / 0 = Error // //**************************************************************************** /******************** ********************* Variables ********************* ********************/ //Global variables unsigned short score, level, highscore, life, powerups, destroyed; struct objects { unsigned char x, y, xx, yy, active, type; } object[100]; struct ball { unsigned short x, y, xx, yy, up, left, life; } ball; unsigned char index; //Map data: struct player { unsigned short x, y, xx, direction, middle; //direction = 0 (left), 1 (right), 2 (not moving) } player; //Maps const char map1[] = { //all maps are 15 wide, 6 down 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1, 1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 }; /******************** ********************* End of Variables ********************* ********************/ //prototype functions; The F### is the id of the function, just search that and it will take you to the beginnding of it (esear for me) void intro(); //F1 void load_next_level(unsigned char*); //F2 void draw_ball(); //F3 void initialize_objects(); // F4 void initialize_ball(); // F5 void object_generate(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short); // F6 void draw_objects(); // F7 void draw_player(); //F8 void move_ball(); //F9 void initialize_game(); //F10 int move_player(); //F11 void game_loop(); //F12 void control(); //F13 //end of prototype functions /*************** **************** Intro **************** ***************/ void intro() //F1 { Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); PrintXY(0,0,"Breakout Game",0); PrintXY(0,20,"Made By: GodOfCows",0); Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); Sleep(2000); Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); } /*************** **************** End of the intre **************** ***************/ /************** *************** Draw Level Number *************** **************/ void load_next_level(unsigned char* map) //F2 { unsigned char i, x, y, xx, yy; unsigned char string[20]; Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); initialize_objects(); initialize_ball(); KillTimer(1); sprintf(&string, "Current Score: %d", score); PrintXY(0,0,"Next Level, Coming Up!", 0); PrintXY(0,20,string,0); Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); Sleep(2000); Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); x = 8; y = 0; xx = 16; yy = 5; for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)/// { if (map[i]) object_generate(x,y,xx,yy); // //add in special abilities here // x+=10; xx+=10; if (i == 9 || i == 19 || i == 29 || i == 39 || i == 49) { y+=7; yy+=7; x = 8; xx = 16; } } draw_objects(); SetTimer(1,50,game_loop); } /************* ************** End of draw level number function ************** *************/ /************* ************** Draw Ball function ************** *************/ void draw_ball(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned char put) //F3 { if (put) { Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x,y,1);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+1,y,1);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+2,y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x,y+1,1);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+1,y+1,1);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+2,y+1,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x,y+2,1);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+1,y+2,1);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+2,y+2,1); } else { Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x,y,0);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+1,y,0);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+2,y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x,y+1,0);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+1,y+1,0);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+2,y+1,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x,y+2,0);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+1,y+2,0);Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(x+2,y+2,0); } } /************ ************* End of Draw Ball ************* ************/ /*********** ************ Initializing functions ************ ***********/ void initialize_objects() //F4 { unsigned char i; index = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { object[i].x = object[i].y = object[i].xx = object[i].yy = object[i].active = object[i].type = 0; //all variables in the structure set to zero } } //end of initialize_objects() ////////// void initialize_ball() //F5 { ball.x = 63; ball.y = 51; ball.xx = 65; ball.yy = 53; ball.up = 1; ball.left = 0; = 1; } //end of initialize_ball /*********** ************ End of Initializing functions ************ ***********/ /********** *********** Object Generate *********** **********/ void object_generate(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short xx, unsigned short yy) //F6 { object[index].x = x; object[index].y = y; object[index].xx = xx; object[index].yy = yy; object[index].active = 1; index++; } /********* ********** End of object_generate ********** *********/ /********* ********** Draw Objects ********** *********/ void draw_objects() //F7 { unsigned char i; unsigned short x, y; //cordinates to draw the boxes for (i = 0; i <= index; i++) { if (object[i].active) { for (x = 0; x <= object[i].xx-object[i].x; x++) //draw the top and bottom { /* Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x+x,object[i].y,0);// top Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x+x,object[i].yy,0);// bottom */ //If I needed to call draw_box multiple times I would delete this to erease the last iteration Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x+x,object[i].y,1);// top Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x+x,object[i].yy,1); // bottom } for (y = 0; y <= object[i].yy-object[i].y; y++) { /* Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x,object[i].y+y,0); //left Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].xx,object[i].y+y,0); //bottom */ // same as above Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x,object[i].y+y,1); //left Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].xx,object[i].y+y,1); //right } } } Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); } /********* ********** End of Draw Objects ********** *********/ /********* ********** Draw Player ********** *********/ void draw_player(unsigned char erease) //F8 { if (!erease) { Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x-1,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+1,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+2,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+3,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+4,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+5,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+6,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+7,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+9,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+10,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+11,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+12,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+13,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+14,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+15,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+16,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+17,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+18,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+19,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+20,player.y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+21,player.y,0); } if (erease) { Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+1,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+2,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+3,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+4,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+5,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+6,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+7,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+8,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+9,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+10,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+11,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+12,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+13,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+14,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+15,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+16,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+17,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+18,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+19,player.y,1); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(player.x+20,player.y,1); } } /********* ********** End of draw player ********** *********/ /********* ********** Move Ball ********** *********/ void move_ball() //F9 { unsigned char i, x, y; if (ball.x <= 2) ball.left = 0; if (ball.xx >= 125) ball.left = 1; if (ball.y <= 3) ball.up = 0; if (ball.yy >= 63) { = 0; } //Hit play? if (ball.xx > player.x && ball.xx < player.middle && ball.yy == player.y+1) { ball.left = 1; ball.up = 1; } else if (ball.x > player.middle && ball.x < player.xx && ball.yy == player.y+1) { ball.left = 0; ball.up = 1; } else if (ball.x > player.x && ball.xx < player.xx && ball.yy == player.y+1) { ball.up = 1; } for (i = 0; i <= index; i++) { if (object[i].active) { if (!(ball.xx < object[i].x) && !(ball.x > object[i].xx) && !(ball.yy < object[i].y) && !(ball.y > object[i].yy)) { score+=10; destroyed++; if (score > highscore) highscore = score; object[i].active = 0; if (ball.yy <= object[i].y || ball.y >= object[i].yy) if (ball.x >= object[i].x || ball.xx <= object[i].xx) { if (ball.up) ball.up = 0; else ball.up = 1; } if (ball.xx <= object[i].x || ball.x >= object[i].xx) if (ball.y <= object[i].yy || ball.yy >= object[i].y) { if (ball.left) ball.left = 0; else ball.left = 1; } for (x = 0; x <= object[i].xx-object[i].x; x++) { Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x+x,object[i].y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x+x,object[i].yy,0); } for (y = 0; y <= object[i].yy-object[i].y; y++) { Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].x,object[i].y+y,0); Bdisp_SetPoint_VRAM(object[i].xx,object[i].y+y,0); } } } } draw_ball(ball.x,ball.y,0); if (ball.up) { ball.y--; ball.yy--; } else { ball.y++; ball.yy++; } if (ball.left) { ball.x--; ball.xx--; } else { ball.x++; ball.xx++; } draw_ball(ball.x,ball.y,1); Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); } /********* ********** End of Move Ball ********** *********/ /*********** ************ Initialize Game ************ ***********/ void initialize_game() //F10 { Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); initialize_objects(); initialize_ball(); destroyed = 0; player.x = 58; player.middle = player.x+10; player.y = 60; player.xx = 78; player.direction = 2; score = highscore = powerups = 0; level = 1; life = 5; } /*********** ************ End of Initialize Game ************ ***********/ /*********** ************ Move Player ************ ***********/ int move_player() //F11 { if (player.direction == 2) return 0; else if (player.direction == 0 && player.x >= 4) { draw_player(0); player.x-=4; player.xx-=4; player.middle-=4; player.direction = 2; draw_player(1); } else if (player.direction == 1 && player.xx < 123) { draw_player(0); player.x+=4; player.xx+=4; player.middle+=4; player.direction = 2; draw_player(1); } } /*********** ************ End of Move Player ************ ***********/ /*********** ************ Game Loop ************ ***********/ void game_loop() //F12 { unsigned char string[20]; move_ball(); move_player(); draw_player(0); draw_player(1); if ( == 0) { Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); initialize_ball(); draw_objects(); life--; } if (destroyed == index) { destroyed = 0; level++; load_next_level(&map1); //replace later } if (!life) { KillTimer(1); //KILL GAME LOOP // WHERE WE LEFT OFF Bdisp_AllClr_DDVRAM(); PrintXY(0,0,"Game Over!", 0); sprintf(&string, "Your Score: %d", score); PrintXY(0,20,string,0); Bdisp_PutDisp_DD(); Sleep(3000); initialize_game(); SetTimer(1,50,game_loop); } } /*********** ************ End of Game Loop ************ ***********/ void control() //F13 { unsigned int key; while (1) { GetKey(&key); switch (key) { case KEY_CTRL_LEFT: if (player.x != 0) { player.direction = 0; } break; case KEY_CTRL_RIGHT: if (player.xx != 126) { player.direction = 1; } break; } } //while end } //void end int AddIn_main(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum) { while(1){ intro(); initialize_game(); load_next_level(&map1); SetTimer(1,50,game_loop); control(); } return 1; } //**************************************************************************** //************** **************** //************** Notice! **************** //************** **************** //************** Please do not change the following source. **************** //************** **************** //**************************************************************************** #pragma section _BR_Size unsigned long BR_Size; #pragma section #pragma section _TOP //**************************************************************************** // InitializeSystem // // param : isAppli : 1 = Application / 0 = eActivity // OptionNum : Option Number (only eActivity) // // retval : 1 = No error / 0 = Error // //**************************************************************************** int InitializeSystem(int isAppli, unsigned short OptionNum) { return INIT_ADDIN_APPLICATION(isAppli, OptionNum); } #pragma section