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Fx-570 Es Z Table and Normal Distribution

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#1 peterpan



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Posted 15 January 2019 - 07:29 AM

Hello guys. I'm struggling with something and could use a little help. I wanted to know if there is any in built function to convert normal distribution data from tables like https://www.ztable.net ? I am going through the manuals but its all looking like greek to me at this point. So here to get your inputs. Thank you and have a great day! :)

#2 pan.gejt


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Posted 15 January 2019 - 12:11 PM

Shortly no and yes

There is no way how to display this table like a spreadsheet, but you can use 2 built-in functions to achieve this task.

With integration calculations (page E34)  or distribution menu (page E-48 and 49, the three pictures are important)  you can calculate the probability for given value.


Let's take examples from site you posted


What is P (Z ≥ 1.20)


1. by integration: 1-(0,5+int(F(x),0,1.2))

         the steps are following:

         1is area under of all curve

         0.5 means half area under curve, in this case from -oo to 0

         F(x) is normal distribution

  the idea is to calculate area from 0 to 1.2, add 0.5 (area of the left half) and substract from 1 (area under of all curve)


so integration = 0,385

add 0,5 = 0,885 (which corresponds with the value in the table) and this value means area from -oo to 1.2

substract 1 = 0,115


2. distribution menu


select stat menu, press ac, press shift + 1 (stat/distr), select 5 (distr), select 3 ( R ) and input 1.2 and press enter




What is P (Z ≤ 1.20)


1. by integration: (0,5+int(F(x),0,1.2))

    same step as above, but no substraction



 2. distribution menu


select stat menu, press ac, press shift + 1 (stat/distr), select 1 (P) and input 1.2 and press enter  




Some good sources


Learning Mathematics with ES PLUS series scientific calculator.pdf

Edited by pan.gejt, 15 January 2019 - 08:02 PM.

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