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Fast access to results?

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#1 Erik P

Erik P


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Posted 30 April 2019 - 01:15 AM

I just got a FX-CG50. It's a nice calculator but there are some things that just drives me nuts.


I have found solutions to some of the problems but there are some things I can't find any solutions to.



When you get multiple results from an operation, like Pol(3,1), the results are displayed either inline as a list (list/matrix/vector depending on operation) (math mode) or in a list-matrix-vector viewer (linear mode).


To get one of the elements, for example the first, I can run

List Ans1   (shift 1 shift '(-)' shift + 1 shift -  == 9 key presses. The last ] is not needed, so I can do it in 8 key presses).

There must be a faster way!

In the list-matrix-vector viewer (or whatever it is called)  I can jump between different list elements but I can't find any way to copy the result back to Run-matrix!

For example  if I run Pol(3,1) in linear mode and want the length, is there any way for me to copy it directly from the viewer back to the run-matris, ie something like:
Po(2,3 enter




instead of having to do something like:

Po(2,3 enter


List Ans1 


It would be 8 key presses less !
Is there a solution to the general problem? Ie is there a fast way to copy elements from the list-matrix-vector viewer?

Math mode is nice, but it lacks some functionality that is in linear mode (such as being able to directly enter a graph !? - shift-sketch-graph-y).
However editing in linear mode is not very nice. It is easy to edit the last command (left or right), and it is possible to edit even older commands - ac - up. 
No matter what method I use, the screen is cleared and I can't see any earlier results!

Is there a way around this?




Suppose I enter data into two lists in the statistics app. 
Then I enter run-matrix and tries to fetch statistics using var-stat-X-x  (mean). Now one of two things will happen. Either I will get old results (results that have nothing to do with what I just entered) or I will get an error ("No Data").
After entering the statistics app and running 1-var (or 2-var) I get the correct results.

The best thing would be if var-stat-X-x called the statics app and returned the correct values. If that is not possible the statistics app should at least clear old results when I enter new ones.

This is however not the only irritating thing. If I run 1-var or 2-var statistics in the statistics app, and then do a linear regression the 1-var and 2-var results are lost (the other way around does not work either).
For example:
I start the statistics app and enter data into two lists. Then I run 2-var statistics followed by linear regression. Going back to run-matrix and running var-stat-X-x will result in an error ("No Data").
The other way around will not work either (linear regression first and then 2-var  - now the var-stat-graph-a etc will be lost).




Not solved, but without solutions
Copying earlier results in run-matrix!

Solved problems
In graph mode if I, for example, search for the intersection of 2 functions, I could not find any way to use the result in run-matrix. However the x and y values (depending on graph mode) is stored in the x and y variables.

In the solver there seemed to be no way to reach the solved variable, but there is. It is just stored in the variable which is reachable from run-matrix.


#2 Erik P

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Posted 30 April 2019 - 01:23 PM

First a correction, leaving out the last ] will reduced the number of key presses by 2, thus 7 (unnecessary) key presses in 

List Ans [1

compared to just being able to select a value in the list-matrix-vector viewer in run-matrix.


Now another problem, if I run "intersection" in the graph app the x and y values are stored in the same variables (as the cursor is moved to the intersection and the cursor values are stored in x and y).
However, if I do an integration in graph mode, where can I find the result when I'm in run-matrix? It is not stored in List Ans, Mat Ans, Vct Ans and I can't find it in any of the variables!
Unless there is a way to use the values from run-matrix the integration in graph mode is almost useless.

#3 pan.gejt


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Posted 30 April 2019 - 06:28 PM


faster method is to use abs and arg commands (optn-compex) , e.g.

abs(3+i)->X (result is sqrt(10))

arg(3+i)->Y (result is 18,4°)



manual graphing is possible in linear input mode only


ad3) statistics

If you would like to recall the variables in run matrix mode you need to run any statistical calculations after inputting data into the list(s). If you input data only you cannot expect any results except results from the previous calculations. This behaviour is expected. The old results are lost after running calculations with new set of data.

Concerning 1-VAR, 2-VAR and regressions - each category computes different statistical values. Results for regressions are coefficients (a,b,c and so on), correlation coefficient r, coefficient of determination r^2 and mean square error. Personally I don't need to know e.g. standard deviation, mean, median or sum if I compute linear regression. In such case coefficients a, b and r are most important . 



see this https://community.ca...nswers-fx-cg50/



The intersections coordiantes are stored to X, and Y respectively. If you have 2 or more intersections you need to store the results to different variables before running the intersection command again.

Finally I didn't find how to store the result of the integration in graph mode, it is supposedly to be more education tool

#4 Erik P

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Posted 01 May 2019 - 08:26 AM

faster method is to use abs and arg commands (optn-compex) , e.g.
abs(3+i)->X (result is sqrt(10))
arg(3+i)->Y (result is 18,4°)

Yes, I know there are solutions to the specific problem. That's why I wanted a solution to the general problem.
There are numerous situations where the result is a list, matrix or vector. Indexing the data structures is however a
VERY slow way to get the individual results. Here are some other examples: SolveN, results from linear equation systems, results from the
table app.

manual graphing is possible in linear input mode only

Yes, that's one of the reasons to choose linear mode over math mode. HOWEVER editing previous calculations is substandard in linear mode.

ad3) statistics
If you would like to recall the variables in run matrix mode you need to run any statistical calculations after inputting data into the list(s). If you input data only you cannot expect any results except results from the previous calculations. This behaviour is expected. The old results are lost after running calculations with new set of data.
Concerning 1-VAR, 2-VAR and regressions - each category computes different statistical values. Results for regressions are coefficients (a,b,c and so on), correlation coefficient r, coefficient of determination r^2 and mean square error. Personally I don't need to know e.g. standard deviation, mean, median or sum if I compute linear regression. In such case coefficients a, b and r are most important .

I don't understand in what way bad behavior should be tolerated because it is expected.

The statistics app should AT LEAST clear old results if you enter new data in the app.
Best would be if var-stat-X-x calculated the value based on current data. If it does not do so, it
should at least report the data as non existent if there is a mismatch between entered data and
calculated statistical parameters. There will still be
situations where a mismatch can occur but it will be less prevalent.
Again, it would be best if there was a call back to the statistics app.

If I calculate 2-var stat and then linear regression I want them both. I can see no reason for clearing
2-var statistics because you also wanted a linear regression. In fact you often want both.


see this https://community.ca...nswers-fx-cg50/

Yes. I have read it. There is no good solution, but one that is partly acceptable.

The intersections coordiantes are stored to X, and Y respectively. If you have 2 or more intersections you need to store the results to different variables before running the intersection command again.
Finally I didn't find how to store the result of the integration in graph mode, it is supposedly to be more education tool

Well. that's sad.

There are some things about cg50 that are nice, like the large keys. Some things are also fast.
However there are things that sucks really badly like the lack of an easy and fast way to copy and paste old result,
the (probable) lack of a fast and easy way to enter data into a list/matrix/vector and to get data out of a list/matrix/vector,
the substandard method of editing previous calculations, the strange behavior of the statistics app, and the lack of a method
to get certain results out of other apps.
cg50 is not an inexpensive calculator but it is substandard in the above described situations.

#5 pan.gejt


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Posted 01 May 2019 - 08:41 PM

Another way for faster handling the results is to write a small program.

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