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fx-CG50 - Hyperbolic functions of complex numbers

Best Answer Dands , 29 February 2020 - 09:27 PM

Solution that worked well for me so far:



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#1 Dands



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Posted 29 February 2020 - 01:31 AM



I recently discovered that my CG50 can't evaluate hyperbolic functions of complex numbers such as








Giving me a "Non-real ERROR".


It's important to point out that other calculators such as the HP Prime can do this with no problem. If you're asking yourself why I need this: calculating impedance parameters of power distribution lines.


I tried both rad and deg modes and my calculator is in Complex mode.


Any ideas on how why this isn't working? It's a shame because I really expected this calculator to do this.



Edited by Dands, 21 March 2020 - 05:14 PM.

#2 Maverich40


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Posted 29 February 2020 - 01:20 PM

One possible solution is to look up the algebraic solution for these operations (I have seen them in tables of Complex #s, for Real and so-called Angular versions),

and create your own mini programs. It would not involve much coding.


for example:

Cosh(a+jb) = Cosh(a)Cos(B)+jSinh(a)Sin(B)


By the way, I tried Cosh(2+2i) and all I get is "Error: Domain error" on my TI nspire CAS, which surprised me.


HP Prime is a special niche beast... if it did not have a habit of consistently locking up, it would be a terrific calculator.


TI 84 CE Plus.... please, let's not even go there.



#3 Dands



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Posted 29 February 2020 - 09:27 PM   Best Answer

Solution that worked well for me so far:



#4 Maverich40


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Posted 29 February 2020 - 10:11 PM

Sounds like you did what I recommended: you installed an external program! As long as it works for you. 

I am extremely disappointed in TI nspire's LIMITED complex # support! There's no reason to be so limited!



#5 Dands



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Posted 01 March 2020 - 05:22 AM

Sounds like you did what I recommended: you installed an external program! As long as it works for you. 

I am extremely disappointed in TI nspire's LIMITED complex # support! There's no reason to be so limited!




Yeah, I just wish this was native to these calculators. It's very necessary in engineering. Have you tried changing the TI to radians?


It looks like only CAS calculators will do this kind of operation. I wonder if Casio will ever release one.



#6 Hlib2


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Posted 01 March 2020 - 10:18 AM

It looks like only CAS calculators will do this kind of operation.

The TI-85 without CAS introduced in the 1992 can do this:
result: (-1.56562583532,3.29789483631)
Also, it can calculate:
result: [[.191... -.385...][-.385... .576702123195]] (noteworthy, there is no such function in hp-50g).

#7 Dands



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Posted 02 March 2020 - 02:33 AM

The TI-85 without CAS introduced in the 1992 can do this:
result: (-1.56562583532,3.29789483631)
Also, it can calculate:
result: [[.191... -.385...][-.385... .576702123195]] (noteworthy, there is no such function in hp-50g).


Yeah...I'm disappointed with Casio in that regard. I really like their interface and how easy it is to access things but this let me down. I wonder if they will ever release a true CAS calculator or one that can do such complex calculations.

#8 pan.gejt


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Posted 02 March 2020 - 03:46 PM

Casio released some CAS calculator, the latest is fx-CP400 Classpad II.

After switching from real to cplx mode the results are:

cosh(2i) = -0416

sinh(2+2i) = -1.509+3.421i


For cg-50 you can write small program since the complex calculations are supported for the exponentials. When I miss some function, I create program.

#9 Dands



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Posted 02 March 2020 - 09:19 PM

Casio released some CAS calculator, the latest is fx-CP400 Classpad II.

After switching from real to cplx mode the results are:

cosh(2i) = -0416

sinh(2+2i) = -1.509+3.421i


For cg-50 you can write small program since the complex calculations are supported for the exponentials. When I miss some function, I create program.


What is a good resource to learn how to create a simple program to do this?

Edited by Dands, 02 March 2020 - 09:20 PM.

#10 pan.gejt


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Posted 03 March 2020 - 03:30 PM

You can try my attemtp to compute cosh, just connetc your calc to PC and copy the cmplcosh.txt or  to cmplcosh.g1m@MainMem>Program. If you want to calculate sinh, make copy of this program, rename it and change inside it C+D to C-D and sinh for cosh




Another option to compute your own functions (up to 20) is using the function memory. This is really great feature of fx-cg50 and some models Casio calcs.


Switch your calc to linear input/output mode, press opt - F6 - F6 - F3 (funcmem) and:


1. input you function, e.g. (exp(A+B*i) + exp-(A+B*i) )/2 for cosh

2. press F1 (store) and select number 1 - 20 - function is stored to selected position

3.press exit

4 now store your variables e.g. to A anb B

5. press F3 (fn) and number for selected function and press enter

6. the result is displayed



cosh(2*i) - A=0, B=2





cosh(2*i) = -0.416







cosh(2+2*i) = -1.566 + 3.298*i


#11 pan.gejt


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Posted 03 March 2020 - 04:41 PM

Concerning source - I learnt the casio basic myself by using the User guide (Chapter 8 for fx-cg50) and examples, sometimes I looked inside the programs written by another persons (Piu58 has nice programs here). I have my calc still nearby to test the syntax and compiling program. The compiling is sometimes difficult taks :-). The best way, at least to me, is to program real problems

You need to know the programs commands, at least the most used (input, output, realtions, cycles).



I found 2 pdf files here



Practical problems - The Riemann Sum. At the first sight it looks like difficult task, but the program is very simple




If you take a look on the formula, you need to input functions, lower and upper limit and step - so you should to make following steps


1. ask for the function Y1

2. ask for lower limit

3. ask for upper limit

4. ask for step

5. compute the difference

6. generate sequence and input the results to the list

7. calculate the sum


The complete program can be viewed here, post#7


#12 Tritonio


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Posted 19 March 2020 - 05:10 PM

Casios, maybe with the exception of the CAS ones, are seriously lacking in complex number support. My fx-5800p, even though it has no dedicated complex mode and complex numbers are always available, cannot compute i^4, e^i, or cosh(2*i). The first one is completely ridiculous, you can calculate i^3 and i*i*i*i but not i^4. But the one that hurts me the most is the inability to calculate with complex exponents like e^i which is used in so many places for signal processing etc.

#13 Dands



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Posted 21 March 2020 - 05:09 PM

Just for the record, it seems that even the TI Nspire CX ll CAS can't do this in degrees mode. It will only calculate in radians, which is cumbersome if you're dealing with phasor calculations. See below.


The only calculator that could do this without any issue so far was the HP Prime.





Edited by Dands, 21 March 2020 - 05:10 PM.

#14 pan.gejt


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Posted 19 April 2020 - 03:20 PM

Casios, maybe with the exception of the CAS ones, are seriously lacking in complex number support. My fx-5800p, even though it has no dedicated complex mode and complex numbers are always available, cannot compute i^4, e^i, or cosh(2*i). The first one is completely ridiculous, you can calculate i^3 and i*i*i*i but not i^4. But the one that hurts me the most is the inability to calculate with complex exponents like e^i which is used in so many places for signal processing etc.

You can calculate with your 5800p  i^4 as (i^2)^2 = 1

#15 siealex


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Posted 12 May 2020 - 03:13 AM

Can it calculate exponentials of complex numbers? Try to express hyperbolic functions in exponentials: cosh(x)=(exp(x)+exp(-x))/2, sinh(x)=(exp(x)-exp(-x))/2.

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