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Geometry: Finding variable length/s angle/s given fixed parameter or

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#1 RetroEngineer



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Posted 15 May 2020 - 10:32 PM

Hi guys,

This has bugged me quite a bit while doing some problems as the Geometry app on the classpad is so good and flexible but I cant seem to figure out why classpad will not allow me to lock in a given area or parameter, while it does allow locking lenghts or angles.

There are many problems of this nature. Surely if you can solve for an angle given lengths or a length given angles (or a combination thereof) you should be allowed to lock in a parameter or area then solve for lengths/angles etc.

Any pointers on this anyone? Have I missed something on the Classpad? May be we can hope for this on a software update or the next classpad.

Happy calculating!

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