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Casio Kingdom Game

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#1 Shadow Emperor H3LLFIR3

Shadow Emperor H3LLFIR3


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  • Gender:Male

  • Calculators:
    Casio CG-50
    Casio FX-9860G Slim
    Casio fx-9750 GII

Posted 20 May 2020 - 05:17 PM

Hello everyone, I am posting a game with the source code that I have downloaded. It is not my program. I am however making changes and updates to the program as it is needed. Let me know if you want a copy of the game source code. I also am having it as a txt file!

I am in the stages of remaking the game right now. I can be used on fx-9750 and 9860 and maybe others.


Here is the original program.

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