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OS Error

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#1 scotty693



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    Casio fx9860G AU

Posted 14 June 2021 - 03:48 AM

Hi everyone
I have a Casio FX-9860G AU and its displaying some kind of OS issue.
I have attempted to update it and it just hangs at 100% on the computer screen and says updating on the calculator.
I have run a diagnostic test via the service menu and the OS comes up as a NG, I have tried flashing at both the standard on screen and via the emergency flashing point, both seem to do the same.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Any help will be appreciated.



#2 Hlib2


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Posted 14 June 2021 - 06:43 PM

I`m also interested to see the answer to this question. My CASIO 975OG+(BE), 9850GB+(BE), AFX-2.0/TI-83+, 85, 92+ calculators have recently celebrated 20 years of continuous operation, and even more. I will probably face this problem in the future. Is there a record of all unauthorized user actions in CASIO/TI, and how do I enter this mode? I sometimes found detailed information due to the service functions of CASI SF, FX, PV etc. products in the Internet, along with detailed electrical diagrams and service manuals. But this information was always fast removed from free access.

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