?➝C: ?➝B: ?➝A: If A=0:Then 0➝X: Lbl 0: B^(A)×(1-B)^(C-A)×CℂA+X➝X: A+1➝A: A=C+1⇒Goto 1: X≤0.99⇒Goto 0: Lbl 1: A=C+1⇒-1➝A: A: Else 0➝Y: For 0➝X To A-1: B^(X)×(1-B)^(C-X)×CℂX+Y➝Y: Next: Y: IfEnd
This is the same program as this one: https://community.ca...lator-fx-5800p/
C is the count of experiments you did.
B is the probability of an experiment being successful.
A is the number of successes you had during those C experiments.
Given these three it will tell you what is the probability that you'd get at least the same number of successes by pure chance. For example if you get a result of 0.994 that means that there's a 6/1000 chance that your successes were the result of pure luck.
Additionally if you give 0 for A, it will instead tell you how many successes you'd need to have in order for the result to by less than 1% probable to be pure luck.