Okay so I am new to Casio Basic so if you lovely people could answer my questions I would have the utmost appreciation for you!!
Before I ask my questions, I believe you should know my calculator is the fx-9750GIII, & I am not a complete beginner so I know most stuff in it, but obviously not all!! Also if you want to test any of these code snippets you can test them here: https://basic.crevola.org/
Now that I have bored you with details here my questions:
- Is there a way to store Video data before it is sent to the screen?
0->X While 1 Text 10,X,"a" X+1->X WhileEnd
In this example you can see the obvious problem. It simply leaves trail of pixels caused by the fact that the screen isn't cleared when drawing characters onto the screen.
Okay so let's fix the problem!
0->X While 1 Cls Text 10,X,"a" X+1->X WhileEnd
Errr... While, yes technically we have "solved" the problem, As you can see we have another problem. Not something we want while programming. The problem with this solution is we get a flicker which is just unplayable and gets progressively worse the more graphics we display on screen.
What I am wondering is if there is a way to save graphics to V-RAM or V-RAM Cache before displaying it so I could do something like this:0->X While 1 [Save stuff to V-RAM or Cache] Text 10,X,"a" X+1->X [Display the stuff in V-RAM or Cache] WhileEnd
This of course would override the current screen data? Is this something that is possible or not? Just curious! If not I would like to see any work arounds you may come up with that can still display the current frame while building the next one!
Can you set the value of a memory cell(Variable, List Cell, Matrix Cell, etc...) to be that of a String?
I want to know because I see other people do it but since I can only read it on the Calculator I cannot figure out how they do it!
My other more important reason is because I want to store Strings in a List for my Inventory System but cannot find out at all for lists!!!
Are there any workarounds to the Fact that Casio Basic doesn't support If Else statements?
Thank you for being super patient and reading my lengthy questions! It is quite urgent so if anyone could respond with haste I would absolutely love it, and if not I will still be fine with that too!