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CP300 or TI89 02

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#1 pooya_b941



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Posted 24 November 2003 - 09:35 PM

1. I want to know for example if the CP300 can solve the following linear system of equations or not:
(B^2)X + B*Y = 2
X + (8B)Y = (4B^2)

the answer must be in the form of (X,Y) that represents the position of a point in the plane.
but the values "X" and "Y" must be evaluated in terms of "B".

2. for another example I want to calculate the inverted matrice of this 3*3 matrice:
{R 5 7R}
{21 12 15}
{4 3R 2R}

3. Can the CP300 do the Laplace and the Anti-laplace transformation on functions?
for example the laplace transformation L{tu(t)}=1/(S^2). And anti-laplace
transformation L^(-1){A/S}=Au(t)

tnx a lot friends ;)

#2 betoe


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Posted 24 November 2003 - 09:38 PM

Laplace no (i use it too but maybe some day we can make some software todo it, but its difficult). The linear system of equations as i know yes. Wait for the more experienced users for more answers.

#3 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 November 2003 - 10:06 PM

the great thing about the classpad is that it has a very powerful basic language so you should be able to do anything you want in a program. however, it would be best if it can be done naturally (especially if you cant program).

{R 5 7R}
{21 12 15}
{4 3R 2R}

is a valid matrix and I was able to do some operations on it.

#4 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 24 November 2003 - 11:27 PM

Casio Says:

Currently, you cannot do Laplace and Anti-Laplace transformations on the
ClassPad -- perhaps in the future though.  In terms of matrix operations
with parametric elements -- we are not sure exactly what he wants.  Does he
want to use variables - like "j" on the ClassPad?  Can you get more
information from him?

if you post a reply here I'll forward it to them.

#5 coco



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Posted 25 November 2003 - 12:24 AM

Hi, a solution for the laplace transform could be to define a function that calculates the laplace integral for any function we pass as a parameter. I tried a similar approach on AFX with mixed results (sometimes it worked, sometimes didn't). Since CP300 has a better CAS maybe it's a feasible solution. AFX does not allow CAS commands on programs nor parameter passing so it's a cumbersome operation so here is what I did on the AFX

1. Store an arbitrary function in 'f1'
2. Store the following in 'f2' integral(exp(-s*t)*(f1),t,0,infinity)

Then when u want to calculate the laplace transform, put your function in f1, then enter in the CAS mode, recall f2 in the command line and finally press EXE. There must be a better way to do this in the CP300. The best thing would be to define f2 as a function that can be called from any basic program.

Note: integral stands for the integral symbol, and inf stands for the infinity symbol.

About the matrices thing, maybe he is referring to symbolic matrices, i.e. matrices in which elements are algebraic expressions. It woulbe nice taht the CP300 can do symbolic eigenvalues and symbolic eigenvectors


#6 Mohamed


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Posted 25 November 2003 - 11:24 AM

As an Electronics & Communications Engineer myself, I could tell you that the FX 2.0 PLUS does all what you want except the Laplace integrals, which you could do manually in the CAS mode.

To be honest, I've not tried nor the TI-89 nor the CP300 personally, but I know for sure that the CP300 touch screen would make it hard and confusing for you to get your calculations & results as fast as the normal keyboard does.
I don't know about the TI-89, but I'm a CASIO freak and I adore the FX 2.0 PLUS, and as an engineer, I never needed more than that, though I missed the Symbolic Diff. Equations and Laplace transforms the HP-49G offered. But once I started using the HP-49G I hated myself :banghead: and quickly switched to the FX 2.0.

Good luck with your choice, and don't forget to tell us your final opinion.

#7 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 25 November 2003 - 11:38 AM

if it was possible to do Laplace on the AFX manually then I have no doubt that the Classpad could be programmed to do it, you should just be able to write out the steps...

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