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Casio Fx 911z

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#1 vishak31102005



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Posted 22 April 2005 - 10:08 AM


i am a newbie here. i urgently need any new functions that can be used in fx 911z. your help will be much appreciated.


#2 Andy.Davies


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Posted 22 April 2005 - 10:45 AM

functions to do what exactly?

#3 vishak31102005



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Posted 29 April 2005 - 06:00 AM

functions for solving quadratic equations

#4 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 06 May 2005 - 09:12 AM

please help as my calculator has hidden facilities that i do not know. if somebody knows please reply

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#5 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 07 May 2005 - 11:38 AM

please help as my calculator has hidden facilities that i do not know. if somebody knows please reply

I know a hidden function for the fx-992s calculator (for solving quadratic equations):


#6 vishak31102005



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Posted 13 May 2005 - 01:08 PM

thanks for the help but i need somthing that works for fx -911z and not fx-992

#7 nadash



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Posted 04 August 2006 - 02:51 PM

Yeah, I would like to know how to change variables in mid calculation

#8 Guest_Beranrd lim_*

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Posted 18 June 2007 - 06:13 AM

functions for solving quadratic equations

For fx-911z, you can perform numerical integration. Just press <span class=Shift' /> [ON] <span class=tan' /> and release [ON].
then press the [nCr] button. You will get a integration sign for you to evalute definte integral. Also certain essential prefixes use in physics such nano and etc can be found using the same method shown above.

#9 Guest_user of casio fx-911z_*

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 03:48 PM

hi... i would like to know how to calculate complex numbers using my calculator. .. thx..

#10 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 06:03 PM

hi... i would like to know how to calculate complex numbers using my calculator. .. thx..

1. Press and HOLD shift, 0, ON in this order, and then release. you shld see on the main display some weird bars and lines.
2. Press and HOLD < (Replay arrow left), hyp, =, ON in this order. the calculator shld switch on. Release the keys.
3. Check that it is in the advanced mode by pressing MODE, the first display shld be 1: comp, 2: cmplx
4. Press 1 or 2 to select the mode: 2-complex numbers (i given by Pol(, you can test this out by going into mode 2 and pressing i2)
integration uses mode 1 (comp) in this case
5. Press nCr and you will see the integration sign & a ( on the formula area. enter in your equation (better to enclose in brackets).
then press , and enter the lower bound,
then press , again to enter the upper bound, and press =
you can also press a close bracket ) at the end

eg: ∫(x,0,3 = 3 OR ∫(x,0,3) = 3

#11 Guest_jack_*

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 07:57 AM

1. Press and HOLD shift, 0, ON in this order, and then release. you shld see on the main display some weird bars and lines.
2. Press and HOLD < (Replay arrow left), hyp, =, ON in this order. the calculator shld switch on. Release the keys.
3. Check that it is in the advanced mode by pressing MODE, the first display shld be 1: comp, 2: cmplx
4. Press 1 or 2 to select the mode: 2-complex numbers (i given by Pol(, you can test this out by going into mode 2 and pressing i2)
integration uses mode 1 (comp) in this case
5. Press nCr and you will see the integration sign & a ( on the formula area. enter in your equation (better to enclose in brackets).
then press , and enter the lower bound,
then press , again to enter the upper bound, and press =
you can also press a close bracket ) at the end

eg: ∫(x,0,3 = 3 OR ∫(x,0,3) = 3

#12 Guest_jack_*

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Posted 19 October 2008 - 07:59 AM

does anyone know how to display the imaginary part of the complex number?

using the hidden mode in FX-911Z. I cant do a shift-ans or anything to make it display the imaginary part =(

#13 Guest_gordon_*

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 11:40 PM

is it possible to calculate binomial distribution and/or normal distribution on the casio fx 991??

#14 Guest_Need help_*

Guest_Need help_*
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Posted 04 January 2010 - 04:54 PM

I kind of understand what you are talking about. i did get the sign out but is is possible if you give me a step by step on how to use the function? when i tried that example i got 4.5 instead of 3

#15 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 23 June 2011 - 05:11 PM

hi... i would like to know how to calculate complex numbers using my calculator. .. thx..

Actually the procedure to get the integration function isn't so complicated as mentioned. All you have to do is:

1. Press and hold <span class=Shift' /> + [ON] + [hyp]. Now you have three buttons pressed down all at once.
2. Keep <span class=Shift' /> and [hyp] pressed and at the same time release [ON]. The screen should be blank.
3. Keep <span class=Shift' /> and [hyp] pressed and press [ON] again. Now you will get a default zero and a blinking cursor.
4. Press [MODE] to check if you've entered complex equations and exit
4. Press [nCr] and there you have the integration sign.

you can also replace [hyp] with <span class=cos' /> or <span class=tan' />. Works the same.

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