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Fx 9860g

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#1 dario_portugal



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Posted 08 October 2006 - 05:36 PM


I'm Portuguese :D and I has one FX9860G and I like insert games and the periodic table... Can help me? I search in the forum, but is confuse...


#2 LordNPS


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Posted 08 October 2006 - 07:46 PM

Boas, podes fazer download de add-ins a partir do site da casio, precisas do FA-124 (que vem com o Cd da maquina), jogos em BASIC, ou aplica??es, tens alguns sites, incluindo este no qual podes fazer download the g1r, que ? o formato dos programas em basic.
Os add-ins ? como a tabela per?od?ca que mencionaste.

? bom ver tugas no f?rum, somos uma na?->o muito mal representada aqui.
Habitua-te sempre a traduzir tudo, mesmo tudo, porque h? aui fundamentalistas que acham ofensivo n->o o fazer...

Bemvindo j? agora...

Hello, you may download the add-ins from casio, however, you'll need FA-124 (which comes in the machine's CD), BASIC game, and apps, you have a couple of sites, this one included which offer g1r downloads, whihch is the format in which basic games come for the 9860.
Add-ins are like the periodic table you mentioned.

It is nice to have portuguese people on the forum, we are a badly represented nation.

Get used to translating absolutly everything, because there are some fundamentalists who will find offensive not to do so.

Welcome by the way

Oh and some usefull sites:


#3 dario_portugal



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 04:08 PM

I need help from people more experiente... I don't know were I can find the periodic table and the games to my calculator... Can put all link's than you say?

Tugas!!! Tava a ver que n->o encontrava tugas num forum internacional... Onde consigo arranjar os tais Add-in da tabela periodia, dos jogos e isso?! Eu j? tenho o cabo USB, e o CD com o FA-124. Podes mandar-me os links dos jogos e dos add-in? Eu sou caloiro pah, tenho o brinquedo ? menos de 3 dias... :) Mas ? uma m?quina! FX9860G

#4 LordNPS


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Posted 09 October 2006 - 05:49 PM

"I need help from people more experiente"

Apart from the spelling error, what the hell is wrong with you?
I am an autority and an enthusiast in the 9860, you will hadly find someone here more "experiente" than myself with the 9860 I have it for an year now.
There might be better programers for sure, but experience comes from use...

If you went to that link that was in my post, you would find a "Free software updates and addins thingy" there...
I thought you would probably figura that out for yourself, but being, otherwise...
YOu press one of those buttons, which will direct you to "validation" form, where they query you about some serial numbers on the back of the calculator, then you end up in a download area, the peridic table program you mentioned, is called physium.g1a (as I mentioned g1a is the format of the add-ins such as geometry or the refered periodic table), you dowload it, it should be a physium.g1a file, assuming you have FA124 installed (If not, then sorry, but you don't deserve to be indulged with information)
You will conect your calculator to the pc (just plug in the cable and then press the "connect" button (or something like that)), switch to the flash memory mode (as you may be aware , your calculator has 2 difrent memory ares, not counting the SD card : RAM, and Flash memory) you do that by pressing a icon that looks like a pen writting in a notebook... then you right click select "import fx9860 file" then change the file type to g1a and select let's say for instance physium.g1a, then drag the newly created physium to your calc.
For a better explained tutorial, refer to the Fx9860 tutorials here in the site.

And I am prone to helping you because you share my language, I don't think my last post was somehow insuficient for a noob, and I would also like to remark that you should atempt to read tutorials / already posted help_me's before you directly ask for information. This is not a custumer support center you know?

(descukpa l? n->o traduzir, mas hoje estou exausto :( )
Sorry not to translate but I am wasted for today. - literally

#5 Guest_Joao_*

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Posted 09 October 2006 - 06:05 PM

J? que se fala aqui portugu?s, tamb?m falo :P.
Eu tenho um 9860, e queria saber se h? maneira de fazer tabelas num programa, e se sim, como se fazem?

tradu?ao para aqueles que nao percebem


yada yada yada
I have a 9860, and I wanted to know if there's a way to create tables in a program, and if so, how is it done?

yada yada

#6 dario_portugal



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Posted 09 October 2006 - 06:46 PM

Desculpa, eu j? percebi onde estava a falhar... Faltava-me a parte do import... Desculpa aquela do precisar de pessoas que sejam mais experientes, mas era em rela?->o a mim mesmo. Precisava de ajuda de pessoas que fossem mais experientes do que eu.... Eu j? tinha ido l? fazer isso tudo, faltou-me o import... Desculpa. E obrigado por toda a ajuda... N->o sabes mais nenhum site com cenas deste tipo?

Sorry, when I said: "I need more experient people" is than me.... You said more sites with games, add-ins and other thinks to this calculator?

#7 LordNPS


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Posted 12 October 2006 - 12:13 PM

No problem :)

Sites onde possas sacar coisas? ... mas eu j? te disse colega, tens a www.jeuxcasio.com, quase todos os jogos t?m uma coisinha em cima que diz Graph 85 (que ? a nossa 9860), se carregares, downloadas o .g1r que ? o formato dos joguitos em basic (eu pessoalmente acho os demasiado lentos para serem convenientemente jogados, mas h? alguns que valem a pena), a jeuxcasio ta td em frances, podes mandar o google traduzir se achares necess?rio no entanto acho que se percebe bastante bem.

Quantos os G1A, s? h? 3 programas conhecidos nesse formato at? agora, que s->o os que foram oficialmente lan?ados pela Casio, neste momento temos alguns esfor?os a decorrerem para descobrir como fazer os g1a que s->o mesmo em codigo m?quina e portanto sao muito muito mtuio mais rapidos, d? para fazer coisas a serio.V? o t?pico "Reverse Assembling 9860" que por acaso foi come?ado por mim, para o status do assunto.

Portanto tens agora o phyisum na calculadora n->o ? verdade?

Para meteres g1r, em vez de import vais ao tab "File" e depois "Open" e podes abrir da? directamente programas em basic, e depois arrastas at? ? area da calculadora. ? simples.
No www.jeuxcasio.com , tens l? um tutorialzito em frances com imagens que torna isso simples de perceber, na area graph 85.

Ve se tens o OS mais recente que existe, (1.03 ), senao saca da casio o install, e ? s? carregar sempre seguinte, e ter a calculadora ligada que ele mete o Sistema Operativo mais recente.
Esse OS server para corrigir um ou outro bug, nada de especial, mas vale a pena acutalizar.

Fica bem

Quanto ?s tabelas num programa, por tabelas tens duas hipotses, queres fazer uma tabela, guiada por uma express->o (tipo Tabela y=3xX+2)> ou tipo apresentar coisas ou dados sobre a forma de tabelas (tipo excell) ?

#8 Guest_Pedro_*

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Posted 01 November 2006 - 10:39 PM

Boas pessoal, comprei recentemente uma casio fx 9860g SD e como principiante nestas coisas.. gostaria de saber se existe alguma maneira de passar texto do pc pro cart->o sd da maquina sem ser, em escrever directamente na maquina no pograma e-act. ? k a memoria principal ? limitada a 64kb e eu percisava de mais espa?o.

agrade?o a ajuda.
um abra?o Pedro Silva

#9 DarkDead



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Posted 03 November 2006 - 12:42 AM

Quando escreves qualquer coisa nas e-activities da m?quina ou fica guardado na mem?ria principal (onde tens 1,5 MB que ? muito texto) ou no cart->o sd, nunca na mem?ria principal de 64 kb.
Agora para poderes escrever no computador fazes o seguinte. Usas o emulador, escreves o que quiseres nas e-activities e guardas. Depois na mem?ria copias o ficheiro que fica na mem?ria principal para o cart->o sd (que ser? uma localiza?->o no teu computador). Agora podes transferir o ficheiro que guardaste para o cart->o da calculadora.

Fica bem.


Above I only explain that we can use the 9860 emulator to write texts on the PC and then transfer them to the calculator. I think the all process is explained somewhere else in the forum.

Can the administrator put words with tilde working? Portuguese "No's" look like this: n->o.

#10 unnamed-boy



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Posted 06 November 2006 - 05:54 PM

Boas pessoal tuga!!? sempre bom encontrar alguem que fale ou escreva na lingua de Camoes! :D

bem s? para dizer que a 9860 ? uma grande calculadora e estou espantado com as suas potencialidades!
estas ultimas actualiza?oes que fiz deixaram-na ainda melhor! os add-in que a casio proporciona facilitam e muita a vida de quem quer usar decentemente a calculadora!!!

sauda?oes! B)
usem a vossa calculadora ao maximo! :D

fiquem bem

Andy.Davies: Please post in English too, its in the rules! (or should be...), thanks :)

Edited by Andy.Davies, 07 November 2006 - 02:33 PM.

#11 unnamed-boy



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Posted 07 November 2006 - 06:07 PM

I ask for excuse but as I do not know very of English?
in future commentaries I will make the translation?
one more time they forgive!
alive Portugal! :nod:

#12 Andy.Davies


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Posted 08 November 2006 - 02:54 PM

dont worry about it being perfect translation, just use FreeTranslation.Com

#13 Guest_mizenel_*

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Posted 10 November 2006 - 11:38 PM

Boas!!!!!!! :D
keria saber se a fx-9860G SD da para por como a fx-2 a resolver as equa??es passo a passo?
Se da como heide fazer??????

CUMPS espero pela resposta B)

#14 kucalc


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Posted 10 November 2006 - 11:57 PM

Please post in English too, its in the rules! (or should be...), thanks ):

For those of you who speak Spanish or Portuguese and didn't know what Andy Davies was saying:


?Por favor poste en ingl?s tambi?n, su adentro las reglas! (o debe ser…), agradece):


Por favor borne em ingl?s demasiado, seu dentro as r?guas! (ou deve ser…), agradecimentos):

Use Google Translator:

Utilizar el traductor y el poste de Google en ingl?s: http://www.google.co...age_tools?hl=en

Usar o tradutor e o borne de Google em ingl?s: http://www.google.co...age_tools?hl=en

#15 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 12 November 2006 - 12:24 AM

Desculpem a ignorancia mas podiam explicar passo a passo como insiro 1 ficheiro G1a na calc atrav?s do FA-124

Apolagize my ignorance, but couldnt u explain me step-by-step how to put G1a files in calculator by FA-124?

So preciso de saber como se muda pr? memoria flash

I just need to know how to chnage to flash memory

forgot my question i discovered how it works now, thx anyway

#16 unnamed-boy



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Posted 13 November 2006 - 09:56 PM

ol? mizenel: :!:
isto ? assim!... pensa so: a fx-9860G ? permitida em exame de 12-ano mas a fx-2 nao! e uma das razoes para que nao seja ? o facto de resolver equa?oes passo a passo!pode ser que alguem ja tenha feito um programa para tal mas eu duvido porque muito sinceramente nao ? facil fazer uma cena assim complexa! mas tipo esta maquina pode te fazer uma serie de outras coisas!? s? explora la!mas se a tua inten?ao era unicamente as equa?oes passo a passo axo melhor eskeceres!!
e ja agr alguem te pediu para traduzires por isso fa lo ok?

fica bem!

Hello mizenel: this is like this! ... thinks I am: to fx-9860G is permitted in exam of 12-year(in portugal) but to fx-2 not! and one of the reasons for that be not is the fact of solve equacions pass to pace! can be that someone have already did a program to do that but I doubts because very sincerely isn't easy do a scene like this complex! but kind this plots is able to do you a It explores her! but itself to your was only the equacions I pass to pace i think is better you forguet!!!

#17 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 18 November 2006 - 12:10 AM

e nao traduzo pk nao sei falar ingles se nao traduzia. :banghead:
mas ? axima a fx1 ? permitida e da para tornar numa fx2 mas ja percebi ke so a fx1 ? ke da para meter a algebra 2. :huh:
obrigado pelas resposta :greengrin:

I don?t speak english very well sorry :unsure:

#18 Ricardo VA

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Posted 21 June 2007 - 01:07 AM

Does anyone know any good website where I can find both Chemistry and Physics' programs for my fx-9860 calculator? With this I do not mean those websites which come fristly when you search on Google, the most well-known ones.
In fact, I'm in need of a good "Ions Table", where I can find the most common ones. If you have any other program to fx-9860 related to Chemistry, please tell me or send me a message :rolleyes:
Thank you

Algu?m tem conhecimento de um bom site de programas de F?sca e Qu?mica para a fx-9860, sem contar com esses que aparecem mais frequentemente no Google?
Em concreto, preciso de uma tabela de ani?es/cati?es e todos os programas de FQA que possam disponibilizar. Se puderem disponibilizar mais algum programa de Qu?mica para a fx-9860, agradecia. :rolleyes:

#19 casiokingdom


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Posted 21 June 2007 - 06:39 AM

Look at the chemistry and physics programs on my site: http://casiokingdom.org
You should find what you are after :)

#20 Crazio



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Posted 21 June 2007 - 11:42 AM

Gosh, is "Sorry, I don?t speak English" only thing you can say in English? You would actually learn the language by using it. It is good manners to post in the language that every body can (somehow) understand.

#21 LordNPS


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Posted 21 June 2007 - 06:51 PM

Gosh, is "Sorry, I don?t speak English" only thing you can say in English? You would actually learn the language by using it. It is good manners to post in the language that every body can (somehow) understand.

Even though some of us native speakers of other languages other than english, are quite confortable speaking english, there are some who just don't have the skill to ask for a very simple thing such as "help"... And talking from my own experience, there is not a single portal like casiocalc, or even closely related to calculators in portuguese, so, people are forced to come to english or french sites in order to attain a very basic degree of information.
Now if they are not confortable or utterly unable to post in English what are they going to do ? Learn English and come back an year later? No they ask anyway, and some of us who share their language will kindly answer in our own language, and indulge the rest of the community with a translation.

Now If you feel there shouldn't be any kind of dialog at all not in english then perhaps we should think of creating a diffrent section of Casiocalc for those unconfortable with the language... or we could have a forum rule of posting the languege in the topic in case of being other than english (translation could be arranged).

I am not denying practicing would make them more comfortable , however they would mostly post incoherent posts that would take some effort for the rest of us.

#22 kucalc


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 05:22 AM

In Omnimaga, they have an International section: http://omnimaga.org/. Maybe the admins here at casiocalc.org can do something like that.

#23 Crazio



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Posted 01 July 2007 - 09:04 AM

Even though some of us native speakers of other languages other than english, are quite confortable speaking english, there are some who just don't have the skill to ask for a very simple thing such as "help"... And talking from my own experience, there is not a single portal like casiocalc, or even closely related to calculators in portuguese, so, people are forced to come to english or french sites in order to attain a very basic degree of information.
Now if they are not confortable or utterly unable to post in English what are they going to do ? Learn English and come back an year later? No they ask anyway, and some of us who share their language will kindly answer in our own language, and indulge the rest of the community with a translation.

Now If you feel there shouldn't be any kind of dialog at all not in english then perhaps we should think of creating a diffrent section of Casiocalc for those unconfortable with the language... or we could have a forum rule of posting the languege in the topic in case of being other than english (translation could be arranged).

I am not denying practicing would make them more comfortable , however they would mostly post incoherent posts that would take some effort for the rest of us.

English isn?t that hard language, and obivously they who have posted to this forum have some english skills. Even I have to use dictionary every now and then. It doesn?t take a year to check from the dictionary some words you don?t know.

#24 Guest_kancef_*

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Posted 28 October 2007 - 06:47 PM

boas pessoal!! desculpa sou mais um noob pa vcs mas tipo nao percebo nada de meter os programas na maquina. tipo ja saquei alguns em g1a mas a maquina d? erro. nao tou a pereceber mesmo nada.
se alguem me pudesse ajudar fazia-me uma grande ajuda....
por favor ajudem

fiquem bem

Personal boas!! excuse I am more a noob equal vcs but kind nao I perceive nothing of insert the programs in the plots. kind ja remove some in g1a but it plots gives error. nao tou to pereceber same nothing. If alguem could help me do me a big help. ... please help

they looked good

#25 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 09:31 PM

how can we put a file type g1a in the calculator fx-9860G?

como se mete um ficheiro tipo g1a na calculadora fx-9860G?

#26 Guest_Zwei9_*

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 09:27 PM

Even though some of us native speakers of other languages other than english, are quite confortable speaking english, there are some who just don't have the skill to ask for a very simple thing such as "help"... And talking from my own experience, there is not a single portal like casiocalc, or even closely related to calculators in portuguese, so, people are forced to come to english or french sites in order to attain a very basic degree of information.
Now if they are not confortable or utterly unable to post in English what are they going to do ? Learn English and come back an year later? No they ask anyway, and some of us who share their language will kindly answer in our own language, and indulge the rest of the community with a translation.

Now If you feel there shouldn't be any kind of dialog at all not in english then perhaps we should think of creating a diffrent section of Casiocalc for those unconfortable with the language... or we could have a forum rule of posting the languege in the topic in case of being other than english (translation could be arranged).

I am not denying practicing would make them more comfortable , however they would mostly post incoherent posts that would take some effort for the rest of us.

LordNPS, I was going to say something about this whole Emglish - other language thing, but...

I could not have said it any better.


People, don't be so stingy about non-English speakers... There are some who are willing to translate for them. I we start beaing :rant: about it, this forum would not grow to be as popular as it is...

#27 Guest_guest_*

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Posted 06 January 2008 - 10:21 PM

For those of you who speak Spanish or Portuguese and didn't know what Andy Davies was saying:



Use Google Translator:

Utilizar el traductor y el poste de Google en ingl?s: http://www.google.co...age_tools?hl=en

Usar o tradutor e o borne de Google em ingl?s: http://www.google.co...age_tools?hl=en

Well, i must say that that portuguese translation is worst than shit!!!! it has nothing to do with with you really meant to say... eh eh eh

Your portuguese is shit like mourinho would say... keep it real man

#28 Guest_f u_*

Guest_f u_*
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Posted 06 January 2008 - 10:25 PM

Gosh, is "Sorry, I don?t speak English" only thing you can say in English? You would actually learn the language by using it. It is good manners to post in the language that every body can (somehow) understand.

yhea yhea it is very nice to say, but you must understand that not everyone has acess to english studies in portugal...
Pois , mas nao e assim tao facil nao sejas acefalo nem idiota e cala te antes que te enrabe ta?

#29 Guest_tuga_*

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Posted 06 January 2008 - 10:28 PM

how can we put a file type g1a in the calculator fx-9860G?

como se mete um ficheiro tipo g1a na calculadora fx-9860G?

e muito facil, com o programa fa-124. na barra acima de onde estao as cenas tipo computer carregas naquele que parece um bloco de notas com uma caneta depois em baixo extendes computer e carregas com a tecla direita em cima de um ficheiro que ja exista e fazes import fx-9860 file. no tipo de ficheiro metes g1a e procuras o ficheiro no pc... espero ter sido util

#30 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 07 January 2008 - 01:37 AM

For those of you who speak Spanish or Portuguese and didn't know what Andy Davies was saying:



Use Google Translator:

Utilizar el traductor y el poste de Google en ingl?s: http://www.google.co...age_tools?hl=en

Usar o tradutor e o borne de Google em ingl?s: http://www.google.co...age_tools?hl=en

o portugues e pessimo e e de rir... es um palerma e um idiota...

not the better translation to portuguese... but...

#31 E_net4


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Posted 07 January 2008 - 01:53 PM

J? chega!! (Enough!!)

@kucalc: You should understand that ANY web translator is used for someone to understand a few words of a foreign language. NEVER use it for comunication!

@Guest: ? verdade que a tradu?ao ? disparatada, mas cham?-lo palerma e idiota passou definitivamente das marcas! V? l? se arranjas educa?ao!

By the way, we really need a portuguese moderator to help on the translations.
I'm available. :rolleyes:

#32 Guest_Andr_*

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Posted 18 May 2008 - 09:32 PM


I'm Portuguese :D and I has one FX9860G and I like insert games and the periodic table... Can help me? I search in the forum, but is confuse...


Tens este blog, eu comecei a pouco tempo, mas grau a grau enche a galinha o papo.

You have this blog, I started the little time, but degree the degree
fulls the hen papo.


#33 Guest_Joao Vasco_*

Guest_Joao Vasco_*
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Posted 23 May 2008 - 09:52 PM

hello! I like to know how do I can transfer texts from the pc to casio fx-9860G SD. please answer thanks!

#34 SimLo


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Posted 24 May 2008 - 04:14 AM

Depends on the application you want to view the textfiles with. If you want to view the textfiles directly kucalc's textreader/explorer could come in handy. If you want to use eAct to view and maybe modify on calc, you could use the fileconverter available in the download area of this forum.
The transfer is done with FA-124. Do not forget to switch the filetype to "All files(*.*)" when importing non-G1*-files (like *.TXT).

#35 dani-pt



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Posted 24 May 2008 - 07:10 PM

como se apaga um add-in da maquina?

#36 Guest_Gil Guilherme_*

Guest_Gil Guilherme_*
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Posted 29 October 2010 - 04:04 PM

Quando escreves qualquer coisa nas e-activities da m?quina ou fica guardado na mem?ria principal (onde tens 1,5 MB que ? muito texto) ou no cart->o sd, nunca na mem?ria principal de 64 kb.
Agora para poderes escrever no computador fazes o seguinte. Usas o emulador, escreves o que quiseres nas e-activities e guardas. Depois na mem?ria copias o ficheiro que fica na mem?ria principal para o cart->o sd (que ser? uma localiza?->o no teu computador). Agora podes transferir o ficheiro que guardaste para o cart->o da calculadora.

Fica bem.


Above I only explain that we can use the 9860 emulator to write texts on the PC and then transfer them to the calculator. I think the all process is explained somewhere else in the forum.

Can the administrator put words with tilde working? Portuguese "No's" look like this: n->o.

Boas pessoal, eu tenho um problema, tenho uma Casio fx-9860G e fiz o download do emulador para conseguir passar Eactivities feitas no PC para a calculadora (certifiquei-me de que era o emulador certo para para este modelo) e quando eu guardo o Eact no computador ele guarda no formado g1e, acontece que quando eu tento passar o ficheiro para a calculadora atraves do Casio FA-124 ele diz que só pode importar ficheiiros no formato g1r ...Alguém me dá uma mãozinha?

Hey guys, I have a problem, I have a Casio fx-9860G and I downloaded the emulator to get through eActivities made on the PC to the calculator (I made sure that was right for the emulator for this model) and when I hold the EACT the computer he keeps in G1E formed, which happens when I try to pass the file to the calculator through the Casio FA-124 it says can only import files in the format G1R ... Somebody can give me a little help?

#37 Guest_Gil Guilherme_*

Guest_Gil Guilherme_*
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Posted 29 October 2010 - 04:05 PM

Boas pessoal, eu tenho um problema, tenho uma Casio fx-9860G e fiz o download do emulador para conseguir passar Eactivities feitas no PC para a calculadora (certifiquei-me de que era o emulador certo para para este modelo) e quando eu guardo o Eact no computador ele guarda no formado g1e, acontece que quando eu tento passar o ficheiro para a calculadora atraves do Casio FA-124 ele diz que só pode importar ficheiiros no formato g1r ...Alguém me dá uma mãozinha?

Hey guys, I have a problem, I have a Casio fx-9860G and I downloaded the emulator to get through eActivities made on the PC to the calculator (I made sure that was right for the emulator for this model) and when I hold the EACT the computer he keeps in G1E formed, which happens when I try to pass the file to the calculator through the Casio FA-124 it says can only import files in the format G1R ... Somebody can give me a little help?

#38 Guest_Gil Guilherme_*

Guest_Gil Guilherme_*
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Posted 29 October 2010 - 05:27 PM

Boas pessoal, eu tenho um problema, tenho uma Casio fx-9860G e fiz o download do emulador para conseguir passar Eactivities feitas no PC para a calculadora (certifiquei-me de que era o emulador certo para para este modelo) e quando eu guardo o Eact no computador ele guarda no formado g1e, acontece que quando eu tento passar o ficheiro para a calculadora atraves do Casio FA-124 ele diz que só pode importar ficheiiros no formato g1r ...Alguém me dá uma mãozinha?

Hey guys, I have a problem, I have a Casio fx-9860G and I downloaded the emulator to get through eActivities made on the PC to the calculator (I made sure that was right for the emulator for this model) and when I hold the EACT the computer he keeps in G1E formed, which happens when I try to pass the file to the calculator through the Casio FA-124 it says can only import files in the format G1R ... Somebody can give me a little help?

Pessoal, já consegui transferir Eacts para a calculadora através do PC, mas agora tenho outro problema, onde é que devo inserir o ficheiro do programa de geometria que é do formato g1a ?

#39 Guest_Miguel_*

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Posted 18 November 2010 - 04:42 PM

Instalei uns jogos na minha calculadora e agora ja nao aparece aquele quadrado que costumava aparecer quando fazia contas preciso de ajuda rapdio sff

#40 Guest_Lucy_*

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Posted 11 December 2010 - 07:20 PM

Hello, I´m Portuguese and I have a calculator CASIO fx-9860G SD.

I would like to know how can I put in it a program called Runge Kutta 2/3 for solving ordinary differential equations. I have an exam in less than one month, were I need to use it and I can't find that program. I'm freaking out because of it.

Can anyone help me?

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