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Fx 9860g

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#41 Guest_T.I:_*

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Posted 26 April 2011 - 03:46 PM

Eu acho que o melhor é mesmo mudarem para umas T.I. Nspire ou esperarem pelo novo modelo a CX, certamente encontraram algo mais que uma calculadora que satisfaz todas essas vossas nessecidades por algo mais que um simples grafico ou calculo.. esperimentem e depois digam qualquer coisa...

#42 Guest_Bear_*

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Posted 19 May 2011 - 08:52 PM

hi guys
I'm just another Portuguese noob =P
I'm working with my casio fx - 9860 slim for almost two years now, but i can´t put anything from my computer into the storage memory ( i'm not sure if this is the correct name).
until now i never needed using programs because of my huge memory ( much bigger than the calculator one, lol), but now i'm facing a hard time and my head is more disorganized than ever so i'm starting get stuck in the exams and going this way i won't be able to reach the results i need =(

so please can someone help me? i don't care if the post is in Portuguese or in english =)
PLEASE my next chemistry exam is in four days

#43 Bear



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Posted 19 May 2011 - 09:01 PM

Bear, on May 19 2011, 09:52 PM, said:

hi guys
I'm just another Portuguese noob =P
I'm working with my casio fx - 9860 slim for almost two years now, but i can´t put anything from my computer into the storage memory ( i'm not sure if this is the correct name).
until now i never needed using programs because of my huge memory ( much bigger than the calculator one, lol), but now i'm facing a hard time and my head is more disorganized than ever so i'm starting get stuck in the exams and going this way i won't be able to reach the results i need =(

so please can someone help me? i don't care if the post is in Portuguese or in english =)
PLEASE my next chemistry exam is in four days

just to say that now i'm a member

#44 flyingfisch


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Posted 31 May 2011 - 01:15 AM

You have to use fa-124 to transfer progs from computer to storage memory (yes, that is the correct word ;) ). You have to press the button that looks like a green book to change from main to storage mem. Also, to transfer programs in the main memory to storage; goto storage mem, make a folder, then go to main mem and select the progs you want to transfer. press f2 (copy), and in the popup select the name of your folder. you can now delete the program in main memory and when you need it again, just copy it from storage memory to root.

Does anyone know how to "partition" the memory on the 9860 to give the main mem or storage mem more memory?

#45 JosJuice


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Posted 31 May 2011 - 01:35 PM

mfischer, on May 31 2011, 03:15 AM, said:

Does anyone know how to "partition" the memory on the 9860 to give the main mem or storage mem more memory?

What do you mean by that? If you mean that you want to turn a bit of main mem to storage mem or a bit of storage mem to main mem, that's impossible. The two are stored in completely different ways - one in RAM, one in ROM.

#46 flyingfisch


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Posted 31 May 2011 - 02:02 PM

Yes, that was what I meant....they certainly dont give you much main mem, do they?

Just a quick question, is there storage mem in the fx-9750 that isnt shown...because when you hack it to make it a 9860, all of a sudden you have all this storage memory that wasnt there before. at first, i thought that maybe there was no storage mem, and that it was put there to make it look more like a 9860.

#47 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 31 May 2011 - 08:25 PM


Just a quick question, is there storage mem in the fx-9750 that isnt shown...because when you hack it to make it a 9860, all of a sudden you have all this storage memory that wasnt there before. at first, i thought that maybe there was no storage mem, and that it was put there to make it look more like a 9860.

Except for the backlight your fx-9750GII is just an fx-9860GII with different firmware.

#48 flyingfisch


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Posted 31 May 2011 - 10:19 PM

I new that it was similar, but I thought that that just meant buttons, features, etc. I didnt know it was the same thing! Casio is really ripping the guys off that bought fx-9860's, then. Thanks.

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