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Mathematical doubts

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#1 betoe


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Posted 26 November 2003 - 09:26 PM

Good aqui I have an open question: Since I can make him to graficar a function in discreet time?

#2 Abel_Martin



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Posted 27 November 2003 - 07:57 AM

Please, it explains a little plus the question, I have doubts of which you mean; if you can, escr?beme a possible statement and I will try contestarte.

#3 betoe


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Posted 27 November 2003 - 10:35 PM

Good what I want to do, to put an example he is the following thing:
Graficar the function y=sen x

But, I want to only do it for discreet values of time (single for whole values of x), of such form that the continuous nonquedaria graph. I only want to see in the results points that represent an amplitude for each value of whole x.

I hope have understood to me.

#4 coco



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Posted 28 November 2003 - 03:20 PM

I do not have way to prove this in classpad real (sometimes use the emulator because I am evaluating if to buy it or not). The problem is very interesting and two ideas are happened to me that you can prove: one is somewhat troublesome and the other is the ideal, although I do not know if it is possible. Both are based on the possibility that exists in classpad to specify the dominion of a function, in this case the dominion of the function to graficar is the set of whole numbers.

First, the ideal:


it is to say that grafique the function sin(x) when x is equal to the whole part of x (that will be fulfilled indeed when x is whole). If this works it will be demonstrated that the functional integration of classpad is superior to any thing that Casio has done previously.

Second, the not so ideal one
and so on until arriving at the value that interests to you
with this solution you can make in addition a program that in loop contains the inferior limit and the superior one to the values of x that you want to graficar.

I hope serves to you as aid



#5 betoe


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Posted 28 November 2003 - 09:58 PM

The first option is quite satisfactory. I made it with classpad manager and everything came out very well (I at this moment do not have at the hand my computer). I had another idea, that she is using the statistic perhaps way (it is not possible to be automated absolutely with a program).

He would be to fill up for example list 1 with the values of the variable of the time (x), and list 2 doing loop with the values of list 1 and applying the corresponding equation to them, later to go to the statistic way and to graficar ready 1 against list 1 (something similar I did once in classpad).

Changing of subject, Jaime is a page of a called Colombian Rocks in who he makes a comparison of the characteristics between several models of graficadoras computers, looking for in google there are it easily or if not soon I pass the Link to you.

So long, thanks coco. :rock:

#6 Abel_Martin



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Posted 28 November 2003 - 11:11 PM

I also had arrived at that conclusion, but from one more a more direct way as far as the one to introduce the data, with the option "Graph&tabl"; there I introduce the function sin(x) and I generate the table of values corresponding, for example, from 0 to 20; soon I touch "diamond" of the right superior part and in the table option "to list" I introduce the x in list the 1 and function in List 2; soon I go to estad?sitica and simply I represent the point cloud "to scatter", leaves perfect, fast and simple
so long

#7 Abel_Martin



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Posted 29 November 2003 - 08:18 AM

In the first method that has proposed the Coco, the idea is good, but when doing the graph I do not visualize anything. and you. In second, following the steps that I have proposed to you, he is himself perfect; if quere?s extension, I have writing and I can command to you by mail.

#8 Abel_Martin



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Posted 29 November 2003 - 08:21 AM

I have returned to reread the answers and Betoe says that it comes out to him well What visualization window you have put. to my it does not leave to me?

#9 betoe


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Posted 30 November 2003 - 12:06 AM

Go that strange, when I said that I came out well, is because she had made it in classpad manager (nontapeworm my CP at the hand). But when I tried in my classpad, I had the same problem that your Abel. I thought that giving to a zoom lens "car" IVA to visualize the graph, but not? I am going to later comment it in classpad forum, is something strange this.

#10 betoe


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Posted 01 December 2003 - 05:33 AM

I verified and already I saw the error that it had, if it leaves. It had like variable of the time the "x" of the alphanumeric keyboard instead of the "x" that is in the physical keyboard.

#11 Mohamed


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Posted 16 December 2003 - 09:21 PM

This topic has been moved from the Spanish ClassPad forum and translated into English!
This reply is intended so that the moved topics are at the top of the topics list in the ClassPad forum so that everyone reads them!

I'm sorry if you find any mistakes in the translation, but that's my best!
Good luck, and don't get bored from reading this post in all the other moved topics.

#12 betoe


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Posted 29 February 2004 - 05:35 AM

1) Admins this topic lost sense with the english translation. It would be better delete it. I

2) Is it possible convert with the classpad numbers between polar and rectangular mode? (as i think no...) Does somebody made a program/function for this?

3) I made a program in basic for an exam. I made this operation in the program:

?P(1+ro^2-2?ro?cos(lambda)?cos(lat)) ->s
(well its a root operation, some multiplications... I want to print the value of "s", i use the locate command, but this command dont print the numerical value, this print the expression. I know that in the main application when i have a result with parenthesis etc.., i obtain the numerical value pressing the button ".5 <- -> 1/2"k
The question is, how can i do this in the program?

Hope you can understand (and help) me.

#13 mkanter


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Posted 29 February 2004 - 04:58 PM

Did you set an value to all variables?
(if not it calcs what it can and the resulting formula is stored in the variable)

#14 betoe


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Posted 29 February 2004 - 05:09 PM

Yes i did it.

#15 UserC300


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Posted 18 March 2004 - 09:36 AM

Complex Numbers:

Every Day it is very annoying for me, that there is no option(I could not find one) for changing the default output format of complex numbers, it`s always the trigonometric form(a+ib). So I use the compToPol-function a lot.

Now I tried to get at least an program-output of an complex number in polar-form, like: PrintNatural compToPol(a+ib)
It`s not working! The output is still a complex number in trigonometric form and best thing, it is a wrong result (compToPol(a+ib) "unequal" a+ib).
Is there a solution to this problem?

#16 betoe


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Posted 04 May 2004 - 02:42 AM

Hi guys, i have a doubt with this integral:


I cant solve it using the classpad.

#17 R00KIE


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Posted 04 May 2004 - 12:30 PM

Try to use this expression
or use the square root directly.
I don't have a classpad to test this but i've tryed it in my HP and it was able to do the integral.
the problem here is that when you want to perform an exact integral you shouldn't use decimal values, if you need to replace them by a fraction.

Btw the result is:

(-ln(abs(sqrt(e^2*x)+1)+1)-ln(abs(sqrt(e^2*x)+1)-1))/2 :crazy:

#18 Lovecasio


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Posted 05 May 2004 - 10:25 AM

Hi. :)
Could someone help me to solve this problem on ClassPad ( geometry problem ).
Given a cubic ABCDA'B'C'D'. N is midpoint of B'C'.
a) Calculate the volume of ANBD'.
B) Determine the angle form by 2 lines BD' and AN.
c) What is the shortest distance between BD' and AN.

Thank you very much.

i have deleted you other post, it was the same as this one. prolly a browser error :)
- andy.davies

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