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las barreras de la lengua

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#1 Abel_Martin



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Posted 09 December 2003 - 07:48 AM

Rogar?a me tradujesen esto. Mis conocimientos de ingl?s no me permiten mantener una conversaci?n... quiz?s haya habido alg?n mal entendido, y pedir?a por favor la eliminaci?n inmediata del subforo en castellano. Se nos di? autorizaci?n a crearlo, y es por eso por lo que me siento enga?ado... he dedicado mucho trabajo a contestar preguntar, elaborar estrategias de marketing para que mucha gente conociese el sitio y ahora, como un "enga?o", ver? como muchos de mis colegas que conecten con el foro comprobar?n que son mentira las promesas que les he hecho...
creo que en otra ocasi?n ser? mejor que se comenten las reglas del juego antes de empezar y no una vez comenzado.
Un saludo

#2 BiTwhise


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Posted 09 December 2003 - 11:12 AM

If you want to be revolutionary, find a real problem.

We are not trying to upset you here. We do not discriminate people of differenet nationalities and languages.
The restriction we enforce, and that we have to enforce solely for the purpose of keeping the forum open for as many internationals as possible, is the choice if one unified language; which in our case is English.

I hope you can come to accepting this rule of the forum, and if you leave, that it not be in an upset manner.
But again, I must remaind you that breaking the rules and conditions of the forum is grounds for being banned.
Please write your answers in English from now on.
Thank you.

#3 2072


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Posted 10 December 2003 - 12:20 AM

Well I understand your problem but this forum was a trial, we never told it would last forever...
The trial was negative and so we decided to discontinue it.

If you told a lot of your colleagues about the Spanish forum, indeed that's bad for you but know that if you create a website on your own we will link to it.

The messages that were written in Spanish won't be deleted but closed and moved to the english classpad forum.

En Espa?ol:
Bien comprendo su problema pero este foro era un ensayo, jam?s dijimos que esto durar?a para siempre...
El ensayo fue negativo y pues decidimos acabarlo.

Si usted habl? a muchos de su colegas del foro espa?ol, en efecto es malo para usted, pero sepa que si usted crea un sitio Web pondremos un lazo hacia ?ste con mucho gusto.

Los mensajes que han sido escritos en espa?ol no ser?n suprimidos, pero bloqueados y desplazados en el foro ingl?s con "SPANISH" aumentado a su t?tulo.

#4 Mohamed


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Posted 10 December 2003 - 11:50 AM

A little update: the topics will be translated to English and then moved to this forum, I might as well leave the Spanish text under the translated one if you request it!


The Spanish forum is closed for now, any discussions regarding the topic should take place here!

#5 TheKingChaos


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Posted 15 December 2003 - 12:18 AM

Que pena que el foro espa?ol se cerro.... la verdad.... no cacho una el ingles..... soy de chile y adquiri una class pad 300 hace poco y me gustaria encontrar un foro en espa?ol ... por casualidad no conocen alguno?.. eso bye??

#6 huhn_m


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Posted 15 December 2003 - 05:42 AM

Huhns free translation service:

That pain that the Spanish forum hill.... the truth.... piece one ingles..... I am not myself of 300 Chile and adquiri one class pad recently and gustaria to find a forum me in Spanish... by chance do not know some.. that bye

(quite hard to understand ... please to all spanish people write whole sentences not only some words and then ... This makes it difficult to
understand the translation!)

#7 betoe


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Posted 15 December 2003 - 05:47 AM

Thats so bad that the Spanish forum had finishedl.... i dont know anything of english..... I am from Chile and I bought one class pad recently and i would like to find a spanish forum... Does anybody know of a classpad site in spanish?.. Bye

Bueno Abel martin cre? un grupo de MSN llamado "classpad" o "classpad 300" no recuerdo bien, podr?as empezar con asistir a ese grupo e invitar a tus amigos o conocidos que posean una classpad a que lo hagan. Adem?s el tiene en mente crear un foro o sitio en espa?ol dedicado a la classpad. Cualquier necesidad que tengas yo puedo auxiliarte si s?, en caso contrario con la traducci?n.

Hasta luego.

#8 2072


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Posted 15 December 2003 - 03:20 PM

Can you give me the link to that MSN group so I can add a link to it on the link page

#9 betoe


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Posted 15 December 2003 - 09:41 PM

Great it seems that we have a trilingual guy in this forum :P. Ok 2072 the link is:

This is a little offtopic:
2072 can you translate this for me?:
ben en fait c surtout qu'il suffit de suivre ce qui ce passe sur l'UCN lol
(cr?ation, puis arret du forum classpad en espagnol...)

In englinsh or spanish, the language that you use more (if you can please PM me the translation)

#10 Mohamed


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Posted 16 December 2003 - 09:27 PM

Well, as promised, the whole Spanish ClassPad related topics were translated and moved here!
The Spanish forum now is deleted!

#11 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 16 December 2003 - 10:10 PM

nicely done mohamed :)

#12 2072


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Posted 19 December 2003 - 01:12 AM

ben en fait c surtout qu'il suffit de suivre ce qui ce passe sur l'UCN lol
(cr?ation, puis arret du forum classpad en espagnol...)

Well in fact it is enough to follow what's happening on the UCN (creation then stop of the Classpad forum in Spanish)

#13 betoe


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Posted 19 December 2003 - 07:20 AM

Thanks 2072 :)

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