Input dat,"Input the binary number","Binary" If dat>1111111111111112 Or dat<0 Then Message "The input number is out of range.","Logic Error" Return IfEnd Int(dat) {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}=>bin For 1=>cont To 16 If dat=0 Then Break IfEnd dat/10=>dat Frac(dat)*10=>div Int(div)=>div If div>1 Then Message "Only type 1 or 0.","Logic Error" Return IfEnd div=>bin[cont] Next
I want to store a 16 bits binary data (the user type it) on an array, but this code have some problems when cont>14, by example if i type 1111111111111111 (=FFFF hex), in the array the last 3 "1" that i type dont be writed on the array, i have on that array a FFF8 hex. Its like when i make divisions etc... that data be erased.

Hope that somebody can help me.