Hi, What's the next model of CP300 in future ?
In future
Started by
, Jan 01 2004 02:41 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 01 January 2004 - 02:41 PM
Posted 09 January 2004 - 01:03 AM
I dont think there will be one for some time
Posted 09 January 2004 - 01:04 AM
Hi PJ.
As I read the erata paper, which is in the ClassPad box, the next ClassPad model will have serial port. That is what I can say for sure.
In my opinion, new ClassPad model will be better in software ( maybe we dont need to change a new one because we can Update the software ), provides us more function or command, a color LCD touchscreen maybe. On the CD ROM come with it, there may be some more softwares other than now: A link software, Add ins and OS update Loader, C-software that allow us to make our own Add ins for ClassPad...
As I read the erata paper, which is in the ClassPad box, the next ClassPad model will have serial port. That is what I can say for sure.
In my opinion, new ClassPad model will be better in software ( maybe we dont need to change a new one because we can Update the software ), provides us more function or command, a color LCD touchscreen maybe. On the CD ROM come with it, there may be some more softwares other than now: A link software, Add ins and OS update Loader, C-software that allow us to make our own Add ins for ClassPad...
Posted 09 January 2004 - 04:05 AM
The future for the classpad is really promising. But i hope casio dont sell differents models of the classpad (only different color). And about a color screen (like the CFX) i dont like that idea, it would make the classpad more slow (principally when programming).
Posted 09 January 2004 - 04:50 AM
I'd like a color screen, but only if it doesnt affect the speed of the classpad like the CFXs.
lovecasio, about the CD you may be a prophet , i cant say more than that
lovecasio, about the CD you may be a prophet , i cant say more than that
Posted 09 January 2004 - 04:54 AM
A cd? i hope that is a good idea, they must send that CD's to Iran, Mexico, Vietnam,... Also casio M?xico sucks.
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