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Linear Equotations... How?

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#1 Bongi



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Posted 12 January 2004 - 01:42 AM

does anyone know how to solve a equotation like


normal way would be sometthing like getting it to:
[[x,x][0,x]] and so on...

but the casio claims something like

wrong type of argument...

does anyone know a good way to solve equotations like the one above
or something like


just the matrix way to write it and solve it is much faster.. not doing all the stuff manual....


#2 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 12 January 2004 - 02:49 AM

are you using the solver or the solve command in the main mode?

#3 BiTwhise


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Posted 12 January 2004 - 10:16 AM

If you want to do it the matrix way, do it manually (not using 'Solve')

for your equation the answer matrix would be:

[[3,2][2,6]]^-1 * [[-1][-4]]
= [[1/7][-5/7]]

in 2D on the soft keyboard, there's a nice symbol for solving simultanious eqations
it's a bracket '{' with two boxes beside it. Press it once for each row of eqations to add, and write the variables to solve for in a comma seperated list in the bottom right box that will appear.. this is much nicer than writing them all out on one line

#4 Bongi



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Posted 12 January 2004 - 06:18 PM

:) thanks

the matrix way works very well :)

but.. the other thing,
this '{' and the two boxes besides, and the other box after the | ...
i never saw anything like that in any algebra lesson and don't know how to write the stuff insede it..
and after searching the documentation i didn't know anything more..

yust the short question, how do i use that for solving linear equotations.. ??
and i was doing it via the main mode, the solve mode does seem to accept only one equotation... but im still figuring out wath this thing can do, cause i bought it only a week ago... :)

and thanks again, for the fast answers

#5 BiTwhise


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Posted 12 January 2004 - 08:28 PM

I've never seen this '{' way of setting up eqations either.. it's quite easy though

You type the eqations, like you would do on paper to the right of the bracket
In the box down to the right, after the '|' you write a comma separeted list of the variables to solve for

#6 Bongi



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Posted 12 January 2004 - 08:49 PM

hey its working...

thanks alot

(ps but how find something like this out? in this big big online manual, where my computer takes 1 minute to set up a search, or in the 50 pages 'quickstartguide'?)

#7 BiTwhise


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Posted 12 January 2004 - 11:47 PM

Download the manual (about 12megs I think).. browsing pdfs online suxx hard

#8 Bongi



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Posted 13 January 2004 - 04:22 PM

then it seems to be my computer, because its on my local harddisk... (the pdf)
it need's a little more love :hammer: ,...

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