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How to resize screen in BASIC

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#1 qwerty841


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 06:59 PM

How do you make the output window or the graph screen full screen or switch places from BASIC?

#2 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 10:07 PM

there is no good way to do this at the moment, the only way to have the scren be at full size is to use Pause and prompt the user to click the resize button. on the graph screen you can test if it is in full size or not with something like:

PxlOn 1,1
StrPict tmp
Lbl test
Message "please maximise the graph screen"
RclPict tmp
if PxlTest(1,1)<>0
Goto test

#3 Overlord


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Posted 20 January 2004 - 10:19 AM


Message "Click on RESIZE then on |>"
ViewWindow 1,155,0,51,127,0
Text 1,1,"" // to activate the graph screen (i want a full graph screen)
Pause // user must resize the screen here

PlotOn 1,177
If pxlTest(1,1)=1

Message "You haven't resized the screen","ERROR"

LpWhile 1

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