[INCOMPLETE] file analysis of cposdata.bin 0x0000 0x800 casiopvos200 0x0800 0x3800 casiopvos200 0x4000 0xa000 casiopvos200 0x4a00 UNKNOWN DATA FORMAT, FOLLOWING STRINGS OCCUR (SOME PVAPLHED) alarm task alart task dummy filesys system extkey (driver) dmenu program mmenu program serial_drv system filesys usb_drv (usb driver?) 0x83ff0 "PVOS20-VALIDAREA" 0x84000 file list with date 0x87ff0 "PVOS20-VALIDAREA" 0x88000 0x4000 0xFF 0x8c000 0x8000 basic font? 0x94000 0x8000 bold font? 0x9c000 0x8000 title font? 0xa4000 0x8000 5*7 font? 0xac000 0x8000 systemfontcnv (font converter?) (pvaplhed without name) 0xb4000 0x8000 datei liste 0xbc000 0xc000 english 0xc8000 0x8000 ? 0xd0000 0x14000 ? 0xe4000 0x10000 clk program/clock (pvaplhed without name) 0xf4000 0x8000 mmenu program/main menu (pvaplhed without name) 0xfc000 0x8000 alart program (pvaplhed without name) 0x104000 0x8000 reset program (pvaplhed without name) 0x10C000 0x8000 alarm system? (pvaplhed without name) 0x114000 0x3c000 task planer/pvlibdriver/pv library? (pvaplhed without name) 0x150000 0x4bc000 os/cpapldriver/pv library? (pvaplhed without name) 0x60c000 0x8000 runcas program (pvaplhed without name) 0x614000 0x8000 eact program (pvaplhed without name) 0x61c000 0x8000 stat program (pvaplhed without name) 0x624000 0x8000 grapht program (pvaplhed without name) 0x62c000 0x8000 sequence program (pvaplhed without name) 0x634000 0x8000 tdplot program (pvaplhed without name) 0x63c000 0x8000 conics program (pvaplhed without name) 0x644000 0x8000 numsolve program (pvaplhed without name) 0x64c000 0x8000 program program (pvaplhed without name) 0x654000 0x8000 presen program (pvaplhed without name) 0x65c000 0x8000 comm program (pvaplhed without name) 0x664000 0x8000 system program (pvaplhed without name) 0x66c000 0x8000 geometry program (pvaplhed without name) 0x674000 0xc000 english 0x680000 0xc000 france 0x68c000 0xc000 doiche 0x698000 0xc000 poltgal 0x6a4000 0x52c8 spanish 0x6a92c8 0x6d38 FF 0x6b0000 0x100 language-list 0x6b0100 0x1eff04 FF 0x8a0000 0x50 @begin: "CASIO CLASS PAD OS DATA " time-stamp: 20030901 (is 1.9.2003 / 1st sep. 2003) (maybe) version: 3031 2E30 302E 3030 (is 01.00.00) 0x8a0040

Started by
, Mar 07 2004 09:32 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 07 March 2004 - 09:32 AM
Posted 07 March 2004 - 09:35 AM
[INCOMPLETE] the pv apl header (generated through sethead.exe in pv3sdk1600) 0x00 0x0b "PVAPLHEDV20" 0x3e 0x02 offset of executable data 0x40 0x02 type of addin (pv:0x0001, cp:0x0002) 0x47 0x01 0x48 0x48 0x40 name of addin 0x88 0x02 program version (parameter -vpMMNN, in parameter it's decimal) 0x8a 0x02 library version (parameter -vlMMNN, in parameter it's decimal) 0x8c 0x04 size of executable code (size of rld-file) 0x90 0x08 time of last change from the rld-file YYYY MMDD hhmm ss00 0x98 0x02 0x0001 0x9a 0x02 height of (following) icon 0x9c 0x02 width of (following) icon 0x9e 0x02 0x0000 0xa0 0x04 0xffffffff 0xa4 0x04 UNKNOWN 0xa8 0xa8 icon data
Posted 07 March 2004 - 10:00 PM
You're lovely man

Posted 12 March 2004 - 02:02 PM
when i was playing with my self-build serial computer interface for the cfx i found that:
Send, Receive uses the "old-fashioned" comm protocol (like cfx) speed: 9600,n,8,2
SendVar38k sends the data as value (like the programmer sees it)
Send38k sends the data like it's stored in classpad's memory
Send, Receive uses the "old-fashioned" comm protocol (like cfx) speed: 9600,n,8,2
SendVar38k sends the data as value (like the programmer sees it)
Send38k sends the data like it's stored in classpad's memory
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