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Difference RAM and Flash

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#1 Nurhidayat



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Posted 16 June 2004 - 12:35 PM

Hi Guys,
What is exactly the difference between RAM and Flash Memory. I know how is the different but i can't explain it by words. Can we upgrade its memory??.
I Hope some day there will be a comparison between CP 300 with other product so we know exacty that CP is the best
Thanks everyone :D :rock:

#2 Daruosh


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Posted 16 June 2004 - 02:46 PM

Flash is a type of memory that saves its data when there is no power source. Unlike it RAM doesn't save data without electrical power.
For now you can't upgrade CP300. But in technical specfication of CP in CASIO web site, one of its featuers is ELECTRONICALY UPGRADABLE.

CP is'n the best. It has many bugs still. But It can be BEST. ;)

#3 Guest_Sergei Frolov_*

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Posted 16 June 2004 - 04:37 PM

RAM is a Random Access Memory. You can read and write to memory without any limits.
Flash memory is a sort of rewritable ROM (Read Only Memory). There are some limits for using Flash memory:
1. You may read and write bytes in any order, but you can erase full sector only (around 64 kbytes at one time). Flash memory divided into sectors. So, if you want erase or modify one stored program, then you need to read full sector to RAM, erase full block and write to Flash memory back.
When you delete program, it marked "deleted" instead of physical delete. After detele a memory gaps will appear.
2. Flash memory has limits to write/erase cycles (around 10000..10000 times)

#4 2072


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Posted 16 June 2004 - 08:24 PM

Yes AFX flash memory has maximum 100,000 write/erase cycles.
About writing you can only change '1' bit to a '0' one, and you can only erase (set all bit to 1) a full segment, a segment isn't necessarily 64Kb long, it depends of the flash memory.

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