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Loading Presentations

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#1 Griott



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Posted 17 June 2004 - 08:21 PM

Well I wanted to transfer a presentation from one calculator to the ClassPad Manager.

Once this was done I tried to load the presentation with the Preasentation Application but it has no menu/button to do it.

Finally I realized that i could do it by typing the exact name of the presentation in the presentation name text box.

Although it can be done, it was not easy for me to learn this. It would be better if the ClassPad/ ClassPad Manager had the button/icon/menu toload presentation easyly.

#2 Debb



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Posted 25 June 2004 - 04:15 PM

For the Presentation application to work properly, you need to transfer the entire image. So, when you are in the Exchange Window, drag the "ClassPad" label to the "Computer" label. Then your presentations will show up automatically.

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