Ugly Error
Posted 09 September 2004 - 03:42 PM
I want to know because when solving inverse matrixes of more order at 5x5 the classpad it is very very slow. For example, I Wanted to solve an inverse matrix of 10x10 and this delays more than 20 minutes, while that in the casio algebra fx 2.0, casio 9750 take a long time less (less than 1 minute, less than 2 minutes respectively.
another example, I Wanted to solve eigvl (of a matrix of 9x9 and delays 45 minutes in solving it.
It is this normal, I don't believe it, or it is that my calculator this working bad; I want to know the number phone of the casio, to communicate them this ugly error. Since I don't believe that inclusive the casio 9750 and the algebra fx 2.0 are better their prosecution that the classpad 300.
This improved with the with the version of the O.S. 2.0
en espa?ol
Quiero saber porque al resolver matrices inversas de orden mayor a 5x5 la classpad es muy muy lenta. Por ejemplo, Quise resolver una matris inversa de 10x10 y se demoro m?s de 20 minutos, mientras, que en la casio algebra fx 2.0, casio 9750 se demora menos( menos de 1 minuto, menos de 2 minutos respectivamente.
otro ejemplo, Quise resolver eigvl( de una matriz de 9x9 y se demoro 45 minutos en resolverla.
Es esto normal, no lo creo, o es que mi calculadora esta funcionando mal; quiero saber el numero telefonico de la casio, para comunicarles este feo error. Puesto que no creo que inclusive la casio 9750 y la algebra fx 2.0 sea mejor su procesamiento que la classpad 300.
Esto se mejorara con la con la version del O.S. 2.0
Posted 09 September 2004 - 08:30 PM
from what i know Casio knows about the bug and has a fix for it, we should see it in the next OS update
Posted 10 September 2004 - 04:22 PM
Posted 10 September 2004 - 04:42 PM
Posted 10 September 2004 - 05:13 PM
Posted 13 September 2004 - 05:36 AM
I want to know because when solving inverse matrixes of more order at 5x5 the classpad it is very very slow. For example, I Wanted to solve an inverse matrix of 10x10 and this delays more than 20 minutes, while that in the casio algebra fx 2.0, casio 9750 take a long time less (less than 1 minute, less than 2 minutes respectively.
another example, I Wanted to solve eigvl (of a matrix of 9x9 and delays 45 minutes in solving it.
It is this normal, I don't believe it, or it is that my calculator this working bad; I want to know the number phone of the casio, to communicate them this ugly error. Since I don't believe that inclusive the casio 9750 and the algebra fx 2.0 are better their prosecution that the classpad 300.
This improved with the with the version of the O.S. 2.0
I have asked casio about this point. They have sent this answer to me.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for sending your e-mail on CP-300.
Yes, it is probable that CP-300 sometimes takes
more time than FX2.0
This is because:
1.CP-300 calculates by "formula manipulation" system.
2.FX2.0 calculates by "math calculation".
(The modes of CAS,ALGEBRA,TUTOR are also calculated
by math calculation.)
The advantage of CP-300 is capable of higher precision
than FX2.0.
The calculation is possible which can't be done by
math calculation.
Regarding OS upgrade, pls kindly access here and download.
(but pls bear in mind that "calculation speed" is not
revised though there are added functions and software
With best regards,
Posted 13 September 2004 - 07:37 AM
Posted 03 October 2004 - 03:09 PM
I have detected problems with all the lists functions. As for example
augment (, fill(,suma, subtracts, multiplication, etc.
list1 or list1[z+2]
It is very slow that the casio fx 9750.
This is noticed more if it is used in a lists program, since I have made several programs of civil engineering, like they are: polygonal open, polygonal closed, curve of transition, etc. I want to publish them in internet. But while in my casio fx 9750 take a long time in calculating a to polygonal of 9 sides about 4 seconds, in the classspad takes a long time more than 30 seconds.
It is this the reason that I don't publish my programs
It is this a bug
The classpad had eliminated the matrix editor, what a terrible error, How to enter fastly a 15X15 matrix or more?, with parenthesis its too slow. With the virtual keyboard, to be making 15 times click with the optic pencil, it is slower and can be confused a lot.
Edited by betoe, 04 October 2004 - 03:30 AM.
Posted 21 July 2005 - 03:56 AM
In my forum ( a guy says he solve inverse matrix fastly in this way:
Hola saludos desde la bella Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.
Para calcular la inversa de una matriz.
Prueben lo siguiente despues de crearla. (ma = es la matriz)
ans =>x
En mi caso se reduce el tiempo de calculo en algo menos de la mitad del tiempo.
Dont know what you think, i dont have batteries for my classpad right now and i tought it would be interest to post this here.
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