Classpad 300 Vs Fx Algebra 2.0 Plus
Posted 11 September 2004 - 04:54 PM
I am a teacher and new to graphic display calculators. I have purchased a set of CFX 9850GBPLUS's for my students, but I want a teacher model that I can use, and am wondering which is superior, the classpad 300 or the Fx Algebra 2.0 plus. Firstly, do both of these models perform all the same algebraic and graphic functions of the 9850 series? Secondly, can I capture screens on a computer with them for demonstration and is there a cable supplied with the calculator? What is the cable called? Thirdly, do they both have CAS functions, where I can see full solutions of algebraic problems? And finally fourthly, can they both be connected to a data probe to collect data for scientific experiments?
So, basically, I need a calculator that performs all the functions of the CFX 9850, and has good CAS capabilities. I think the calculators are the same price, yes? Or similar anyway.
Hoping for a helpful reply,
John Fortin
- Nishat likes this
Posted 11 September 2004 - 05:34 PM
the CP300 can do everything the AFX can but does it better (and with style

if you need anything else please ask!

Posted 12 September 2004 - 11:52 AM
In addition, could you elaborate on E-activities? Can both models also handle data input for science experiments, using the E-con software and hardware?
Sorry about all the questions, but I do have the interests of the students at heart, and need to have the right calculator to enhance their learning, whether it be the AFX or the ClassPad.
John Fortin
the AFX (algebra FX2) can do everything the CFX series can do and does it better, plus it has many extra features (CAS, more memory, flash mem, etc...)
the CP300 can do everything the AFX can but does it better (and with style), if you want something closer to what your students have the i suggest you get an AFX if you dont care about that then get a CP for more functionallity (the CP300 is also a great class tool as it has a built in Text Book lesson program called e-activities you can make lessons for your class to do on their CP)
if you need anything else please ask!
Posted 12 September 2004 - 06:41 PM
Yes. I know about teachers in Spain that have sites about the use of the classpad, but are in spanish :S. Also you can try the google translation, if you have doubts i can help you.In addition, could you elaborate on E-activities? Can both models also handle data input for science experiments, using the E-con software and hardware?
One is www.classpad.tk and the others is "calcumat", look at the link page at the top of this forum.
Posted 12 September 2004 - 09:47 PM

if its a sure thing that your students are going to have CFX model calcs then you are best off getting the AFX due to the similarity of their screens and input. a person that knows how to use a CFX can pick up an AFX and use it and vice-versa, but the classpad has a compleatly diffrent interface (though it has similarities to the older models in terms of sentax and how it works). If you could order classpads for your students there is in my opinion) no better classroom tool (but it doesnt really help if only you have it).
here's what the AFX has that the CFX does not:
* CAS - Computer Algebra System
* Tons more memory
* faster display
* Tutor Mode
* Algebra Mode (Tutor and Algebra are derived from the CAS)
* Flash memory for add-ins (very usefull, but beware that this could be used for games)
now here's what the CFX has that the AFX does not:
* 3 color screen
* Finantial Mode (depends on which CFX model you have)
Now here's what the classpad has that the others do not:
* all new versions of old features are MUCH more powerful and MUCH faster
* Spreadsheet aplication
* 3D graphing
* E-Activities
* Tons more memory than the AFX
* Main application has a built in CAS
* CAS works in all applications and programs (on AFX only works in CAS mode)
* probably more that im forgetting
Now, here are some reason why you would want each model for your class:
simple, easy to use, very well rounded as well. a big thing for teachers is that this model is the worst modern model for playing games, games on par with those capable by the AFX and classpad can only be accoplised by modifying the hardware. Most advanced (usefull) feature is probably the Equation Solver... because this model has no CAS its probably the best for tests, you could safley assume that this model will not simply give your students the answers.
also simple and easy to use (thats basically true of all casio models though), improves on all aspects of the CFX and adds the functionallity of a CAS (though not a great one). i always found it excelent for simplifying radicles

with this model you have the problem that the CAS can "give" your students the answers just by pluging in the problem, but I can tell you how to prevent this: first, before test make sure the Tutor Lock is on (last for 180min, cant be turned off), also make it a requirement that students write down the steps of the problem to recieve credit. (trust me, this works wonders)
this is one heck of a powerfull calc, it takes all the best of the AFX and improves on it. like the AFX you will need to make students write the steps for each problem to avoid cheating with the CAS (which is much more powerfull). there is no tutor mode on the CP so you wont need to worry about that. the best thing for a teacher is the E-Activities:
E-Activies are almost electronic textbook lessons. with an e-activity you can put all sorts of thing in a single file, these things can include examples,. notes, and instructions. so, an example might look like this:
Lesson 1.1:
[Slope intercept form][N] (think of this a a hyperlink that opens up a notepad with text on it)
Consider this eqation:
now convert the equ to slope/intercept:
[3x+2y=1][N] (i would use a note here to describe each step)
[2y=-3x+1][N] (subtract 3x from both sides)
[y=-3/2+1/2][N] (devide each side by 2)
you can now create a table solving the equation: (at this point turn on the evaluation mode so that it will act like the main area)
y=(-3/2)(1)+1/2 | |
-1 | |
y=-3/2(2)+1/2 | |
2.5 |
[view table][T] (opens a table of values for this equation)
using that table you can now plot a graph:
[y=-3/2x+1/2][G] (opens and draws a graph)
simply put this on your students CP's and they can do their lessons right on their classpad in an interactive enviornment! i use this application to take notes in my math classes.

now, earlyer i said that if your students will have CFX's you should get an AFX, but I thought of a reason why a CP would work too. with an E-Activity you could litterally make your lesson on the classpad and project it onto the screen, thus the students would not really need to have a classpad to benifit from it. (though they would not be able to play around with the lessons themselfs. for more on e-activities i suggest you look at this site: www.classpad.org
oh, and both the AFX and CP300 are compatible with the ECON device but they use diffrent versions of it.
i hope that helps

- Nishat likes this
Posted 13 September 2004 - 09:17 AM
With regards to the CAS...would either have tutoring abilities for differentials and integrals? (solving an indefinite integral..i.e. the steps involved?). I am getting the impression that the ClassPad is superior all around. I don't mind learning how to use the CFX too...since it is the one that they would be allowed to use on exams...AFX 2.0 Plus and ClassPad 300 not allowed because of CAS and Flash memory.
Again, not having had to use a graphics calculator, I am a bit behind the times here, but am looking forward to using them as a teaching tool, and learning them too! Sorry again for what you may view as naieve questions.
John Fortin
Posted 14 September 2004 - 04:16 PM
When I teach with a graphing calculator, I find it easiest to use the same model as the students. I would recommend that you get a the teachers model of the 8950 with the OHP for use with a data projector.
I would also recommend that you get a ClassPad and the ClassPad Manager software for your own personal use. The ClassPad is leaps and bounds above any other graphing calculator. Once you have one it is hard to put down. You can visit Canyon's Corner at www.classpad.org for ideas of what you can do with the ClassPad.
Hope this helps!
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