I havea problem with the use of the GetPen
In the follwing program
RclPict graf
GetPen x,y
I want that in the program show an image (OK) and that in certain places to make clic
with the pen, and when making click show other options. But when putting this code it
generate me x=0 and y=0. Why?
Note: Not alone I want to make a single click,but several click in the same image
I also want that when squashing a key of the classpad I am carried out different operations
If GetKey=13
Input a
end if
But it leaves me syntax error
Help With Getpen, Getkey
Started by
, Sep 14 2004 02:44 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 14 September 2004 - 02:44 PM
Posted 14 September 2004 - 04:32 PM
if you don't have the stylus on the screen, it returns 0,0
you could do:
RclPict graf
GetPen x,y
LpWhile x=0 and y=0
it waits until you tap on the screen, then returns the coordinates
you could do:
RclPict graf
GetPen x,y
LpWhile x=0 and y=0
it waits until you tap on the screen, then returns the coordinates
Posted 14 September 2004 - 05:01 PM
if you want to do either a pen or key press use this:
GetPen x,y
GetKey k
LpWhile x=0 and y=0 and k=0
GetPen x,y
GetKey k
LpWhile x=0 and y=0 and k=0
Posted 27 March 2007 - 07:12 PM
Please help me!
I need a example to use the GetPen.
For example print the strings:
1 - Option 1
2 - Option 2
And if I touch: 1 - Option 1, that execute some function
Thank you
I need a example to use the GetPen.
For example print the strings:
1 - Option 1
2 - Option 2
And if I touch: 1 - Option 1, that execute some function
Thank you
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