I'm having hard times trying to live with my disapoint because its marketing material says that it gives you the result step by step, i could not find anything like this on the manual and reading other peoples post asking for it, (buffer), anybody told that it is not possible. (shame on you Casio!)

Anyway, in that post somebody said it would be possible with eActivity, my ClassPad gave me about 5 manuals but in english or spanish (the two languages i know) it seem to be chinese for me so any of you could help me with an example of how to build an eActivity to solve for example this cuadratical function step by step to the final graph?
I think with an example of how to do this i could create the other i need

Is it true that i can create an eActivity to solve things step by step and then use it changing values to solve algebra?
Thanks a lot (if not possible, by now my classpad is less than useless for me
