How Is It Possible ?
Posted 03 November 2004 - 10:36 AM
Sorry for the long post but i had to share my feelings with you all CP users.
Posted 03 November 2004 - 11:34 AM
Posted 03 November 2004 - 05:33 PM
Posted 03 November 2004 - 06:03 PM
Please don't take this post as a critic (especially you CrimsonCasio) to you people, it's just my opinion.
BTW, i'm from Portugal, can i write in Portuguese ? Because sometimes i have to think about the right words in english.
Once again, thank you for "listening" to me
Posted 03 November 2004 - 06:34 PM
Posted 03 November 2004 - 07:15 PM
Posted 03 November 2004 - 07:20 PM
Posted 03 November 2004 - 10:26 PM
Posted 04 November 2004 - 02:34 AM
I think the Cp300 was not initially designed for engineering. This doesnt mean that it cannot be used for it. CASIO has adopted a different strategy of that of the other companies (ie TI, HP), you could not come up with a product identical to that of your rivals. Perhaps the people at HP, twenty years ago never realized that their calculators would be used today in specialized topography applications. I thing the same will happen with the Cp300. One, two ore more years ahead people will be constructing applications or simple programs that we never thougth a calculator could run.
Posted 04 November 2004 - 11:05 AM
Griott, all you say is very true, and in fact, as a learning tool, Casio reached their objectives with CP. All i say is that a calculator that is supposed to be used in university (here in Portugal, CP is only allowed in university along with AFX2.0) should bring tools for the students to use. As i said before, maybe i failed to understand the philosophy behind CP, but then again, should i bring two calculators to school ? One for learning and other for other calculations ? Of course not ! That's why i say that Casio should improve new features in CP to make it the ideal tool for everybody, from programmers to engineers. And i am shure that the day when CP will be doing all this functions we ask for, TI and HP must reinvent themselves to make a product to rival CP, because everybody will go for CP.
Once again thank you all, and keep suggesting new things to make CP the best.
Posted 04 November 2004 - 11:49 AM
Posted 04 November 2004 - 01:57 PM
Spanish ,
yo siempre uso Fx2.0 y CP en los examenes , algunas veces la CP , se toma buen tiempo en resolver un simple problema , asi que aprovecho me F.x para otras preguntas , seria genial si la CP daria un pitido o un Beep cuando acaba de (pensar)
Posted 04 November 2004 - 03:43 PM
Until next time
Posted 04 November 2004 - 04:14 PM
i always bring 3 calcs to, i sometimes bring 3 calcs to school
Posted 04 November 2004 - 05:13 PM
Posted 05 November 2004 - 01:28 PM
I tried to use my ClassPad at work for months. I like the concept, and I thought that if I used it enough, I would get used to the shortcomings. But I'm afraid my patience has worn thin. I need a calculator that is quick and easy to use, with a consistant user interface. Despite all the powerful features, it doesn't meet my needs. And two of the most glaring omissions are the two fiberoptik mentioned- Unit conversions and base-n conversions. There are others...
And yes, I know the ClassPad is programmable. Unfortunately, the programmable features are not well integrated into the OS. If you write a program, it seems as if it runs in a seperate environment. This makes it difficult to solve the calculator's shortcomings by using programs.
Right now, my ClassPad sits in a drawer. I keep reading this forum and others, where people say yo 'be patient'. Well, I am being patient, and I hope new versions of the OS provide the many features my ClassPad is missing. But until then, well... At least my ClassPad won't wear out.
Posted 05 November 2004 - 05:05 PM
Posted 06 November 2004 - 09:53 PM
Posted 07 November 2004 - 05:26 AM
#20 Guest_alex_*
Posted 09 December 2004 - 09:41 PM
#22 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 24 December 2004 - 03:08 PM
I own a TI 89 and a CFX-9850G, and I have used AFX 2.0, from my expirience TI 89 is by far a much better calculator for engineering than those casio calculators. (I dont even want to say why because i have read ppl saying too much *** on the forums, they are just inlove of their casios)
I have a question about the cp. Does it solve non linear systems of equations? I am a chemical engineering student an this feature is one of the worst failures of the hp calculators (I know there is a program to do this, but it is not the same), I have seen many times during fluid mechanics and thermodynamics test HP?s calculators (not to say casio?s) giving wrong answers or no answers to 2x2 non linear equation systems.
PS: I was a casio fan until I met TI 83 and it showed me that i didnt have the best calculator (I bought the 89)
PS2: I use two calculators at school, I use the 89 and a casio fx-82 to do all the easy operations (I dont like doing algebra on my TI, I feel like using a gun to kill a bug)
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