it works when i divide trinomial by a binomial but it doesnt seem to work when i divide polynomial with 4 monomials by a binomial
this one works well
this one doesnt seem to work
doesnt seem to work as well
any1 plz help me
and any1 plz xplain the different btween command "factor" and "rFactor", "expand" and "tExpand", "solve", "dSolve" and "rSolve"
thx !

How To Divide Polynomials ?
Started by
, Nov 07 2004 04:39 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 07 November 2004 - 04:39 AM
Posted 07 November 2004 - 05:59 AM
To divide a polynomial, the best function is propFrac ( in Action/Transformation ). This functions will suit your needs. ( I guess that you use simplify func, right? It just works when there is no remainder in calculation ).
-factor: factor an expression.
-rFactor : can be simply though to factor as much as possible.
-expand: syntax: expand(exp) => normal expandation or expand(exp,var) => special expand. Ex: expand(1/((x+1)(x-1)),x) => 1/(2(x-1))-1/(2(x+1)).
-solve, dSolve and rSolve : solving equation or inequation, solving differential equation, solve sequence formula.
-tExpand: trigonometric expand.
Read user manual for more information.

To divide a polynomial, the best function is propFrac ( in Action/Transformation ). This functions will suit your needs. ( I guess that you use simplify func, right? It just works when there is no remainder in calculation ).
-factor: factor an expression.
-rFactor : can be simply though to factor as much as possible.
-expand: syntax: expand(exp) => normal expandation or expand(exp,var) => special expand. Ex: expand(1/((x+1)(x-1)),x) => 1/(2(x-1))-1/(2(x+1)).
-solve, dSolve and rSolve : solving equation or inequation, solving differential equation, solve sequence formula.
-tExpand: trigonometric expand.
Read user manual for more information.

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