EN - Does one expect an increase of the accuracy with the ClassPad with the new update?
So far I point should that no problem for chip be!
DE - Erwartet man eine erh?hung der Genauigkeit beim ClassPad mit der neue UpDate?
So weit ich weis sollte das kein Problem f?r das Chip sein!
ClassPad: - 9.9 ? 10^609 bis 9.9 ? 10^609
TI 89: -9.9999999999999 ? 10^999 bis 9.9999999999999 ? 10^999
EN - That is simply more enormously differentiated!
DE - Das ist einfach eine gewaltiger unterschied!
Accuracy + Update
Started by
, Nov 15 2004 09:42 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 15 November 2004 - 09:42 AM
Posted 17 November 2004 - 10:56 AM
with my hp49 i only get *10^499 (user rpl) and i don't complain about it.
but with sys rpl i can get *10^5000 or so but i don't use, i prefer the EXACT results, but if i can't find them the acuracy given by the calc is good enough.
but with sys rpl i can get *10^5000 or so but i don't use, i prefer the EXACT results, but if i can't find them the acuracy given by the calc is good enough.
Posted 17 November 2004 - 06:52 PM
with my hp49 i only get *10^499 (user rpl) and i don't complain about it.
but with sys rpl i can get *10^5000 or so but i don't use, i prefer the EXACT results, but if i can't find them the acuracy given by the calc is good enough.
Zu erst danke.
Woher kriege ich dieses "EXACT". Bitte sage es mir.
Ich brauche es auch nicht immer, aber manchmal ist wirklich erforderlich.
EN - Too only thanks.
From where wars I this "EXACT". Ask legend it me.
I also not always need it, but is really necessary sometimes.
Thanks. Danke.
mfg Ivaylo
Posted 19 November 2004 - 12:46 AM
ClassPad: - 9.9 ? 10^609 bis 9.9 ? 10^609
TI 89: -9.9999999999999 ? 10^999 bis 9.9999999999999 ? 10^999
The ClassPad and TI have the same accuracy. You probably have the incorrect modes set.
If you set the TI to exact mode it will give you an overflow error for 9.9*10^999, just like the ClassPad. If you set the ClassPad to approx mode is will accept 9.9*10^999, just like the TI.
NOTE: The ClassPad Manager on the PC doesn't have the same range for floating point. The Manager uses the standard math libraries so it's range is ~1.7*10^308.
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