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How To Install *.mcs File

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#1 Gmm



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Posted 13 December 2004 - 03:11 PM

I download the Constant Program from web when i unzip file have one file is "Constantes.mcs" how to install to my CP300 <_<

#2 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 13 December 2004 - 06:42 PM

1. How do I transfer .MCS files from my computer to my classpad?
A) Follow these steps:
1. Open your Classpad manager, if the trial has already expired skip step 2
2. Right click the manager and select ?Exchange Window?
3. Make sure the classpad and computer are properly connected.
4. Click the ?Connect? button (first button on the left, in the Classpad section)
5. Your classpad is now connected and ready to begin transfer
6. Hit the ?Variables? button (second from the right on either side)
7. Now you have a view of all .MCS type data on your classpad (folders and files), you can now add more to it.
8. To Add a .MCS file from your computer right click the ?Computer? icon and select ?Insert Existing Image?
9. Locate the .MCS file on your computer and open it.
10. Drag and drop the .MCS file or any amount of data from it into the classpad side of the screen

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