About Sdk
Posted 21 December 2004 - 04:04 AM
Well, the beta testers proyect finished... and now after the suggestion that we (the testers) did to SDK forum the SDK programs are now free to download in internet.... but im feel unhappy because i think that the release will cause a very fast prolyferations of new programs but is not true. For my part and dont doing programs in the SDK because im not a programer under C++ lenguage, my work in the SDK beta tester proyect was see for other aspects in the program... but is a very big poblation of users that know that lenguage and for that i dont undertand why the new programs are late...
Im student of Ing. Electrical in Venezuela in the "Universidad de Carabobo" and in my university the lider mark of calculator is HP, all the peaple there hate the HP, because is not a practice and a fast-use instrument comparated with the classpad, i showed my classpad to every body and all the peaple like it! (more than the HP) but few of they sale one... WHY? because i so dificult find programs for the classpad....
Is important to say, in my and many others opinions, The classpad is more efficient that the HP because is more practice and moro easy to do programs on it, but the PEAPL PREFER HP BECAUSE IS MORO EASY TO FIND PROGRAMS...
I think Casio needs to promote more the SDK and Tutorial for Basics programs and why not? do programs, because the persons serch marks of calculators with many and easy ways to find programs...
last week i did a rational mechanics program to my girlfriend and tree days later four guys that she and i ever seen arrive, they came to request me by the program....
I hope guys see yours opinion about this Topic, nothing more to say....
Domingo Sarmiento
Posted 21 December 2004 - 04:44 AM
Give me that program

Some programs are easy to do but the users are too lazy

Posted 21 December 2004 - 07:55 AM
it takes a while to get used to any new type of programming, and while people might know the language they still have to figgure out how to use it.
Posted 21 December 2004 - 11:38 PM
Give me that program ! maybe i can put it on the download section of my site. Or if you have that program on your site (dont remember the URL) i can link it.
Betoe... Tu no estuviste en el en programa de los testers beta??? de echo yo entre a el gracias a ti, si no mal recuerdo. ?como es eso de que no tienes el SDK?
Translation: Betoe... you wasnt on the beta testers program?? i knew about it thanks to you, if i remember correctly. ? how is you dont have the SDK?
Edited by betoe, 22 December 2004 - 02:30 AM.
Posted 21 December 2004 - 11:43 PM
hola, mi nombre es manuel y soy de panam?
donde puedo bajar el sdk
yo tengo un cuantos programas en c++
muy utiles
y se puede encontrar facilmente el codigo de muchos otros
mi pregunta es ? el ? famoso ! sdk puede cambiar directo de c++ al lenguaje de la classpad?
muchas gracias por la antencion
manuel franco
El software SDK luego de que varias personas lo revisaramos salio de circulacion y ahora se esta terminando de "pulir" para ponerce en la pagina classpad.org... yo no puedo dartelo sin autorizacion de ciertos encargados del foro afectos a Casio. En este mismo Foro pregunta EN INGLES si se te puede otorgar el software y uno de estos sujetos no tardara en responderte, de ser afirmativa la respuesta con gusto te lo doy...
Posted 22 December 2004 - 02:02 AM
El software SDK luego de que varias personas lo revisaramos salio de circulacion y ahora se esta terminando de "pulir" para ponerce en la pagina classpad.org... yo no puedo dartelo sin autorizacion de ciertos encargados del foro afectos a Casio. En este mismo Foro pregunta EN INGLES si se te puede otorgar el software y uno de estos sujetos no tardara en responderte, de ser afirmativa la respuesta con gusto te lo doy...
i want to get teh sdk beta from djsoftlayer, i need the autorization some bodie

manuel franco
Posted 22 December 2004 - 02:10 AM
i want to get teh sdk beta from djsoftlayer, i need the autorization some bodie can giveme that autorization thanks
Bryam or Crimson what do you say about it???
Posted 22 December 2004 - 02:14 AM
Posted 22 December 2004 - 02:29 AM
Asi es.Betoe... Tu no estuviste en el en programa de los testers beta??? de echo yo entre a el gracias a ti, si no mal recuerdo. ?como es eso de que no tienes el SDK?
No le pude dedicar tiempo a esto desafortunadamente :S. Espero el a?o entrante poder practicar dicha programaci?n, aunque no se C++ pero igual en C podr?a iniciarme. Tal vez me servir?an algunos ejemplos que tengan usuarios.
I have a beta SDK.
Unfortunately i did not made programs using the SDK :S. I hope that the next year i will try to do it, the bad thing is that i dont know C++ but i could start only with C. It would be nice see some examples of other users.
Posted 22 December 2004 - 02:52 AM
if you start by learning C and then C++, it just takes double the time

Posted 22 December 2004 - 03:36 AM
yo creo que se debe poder anque sea primero para circuitos sencillostransformacion de delta estrella? suena interesante a mi me gustaria tener en la classpad un simulador de circuitos como el que tiene la HP, pero ya eso es palabras mayores, seria un poco tedioso hacer un programa como ese uno solo.
en los libros de analisis de circuitos salen algunos programitas peque?os
quisas si se fusiona
seria un buen proyecto para el verano
Posted 22 December 2004 - 05:18 AM
no one can get the SDK at the moment, if you dont have it now you will have to get it when it is publically released (on Casio's web site). you may not get it from anyone else, nor may any of the beta testers distribute it (they all agreed to the terms of the testing). any violation of those terms could have serious consequences, and will definately result in exclusion from any future events of this kind. worse, it could lead Casio to halt support, leaving everyone out of the loop.Bryam or Crimson what do you say about it???

Posted 22 December 2004 - 02:30 PM
no one can get the SDK at the moment, if you dont have it now you will have to get it when it is publically released (on Casio's web site). you may not get it from anyone else, nor may any of the beta testers distribute it (they all agreed to the terms of the testing). any violation of those terms could have serious consequences, and will definately result in exclusion from any future events of this kind. worse, it could lead Casio to halt support, leaving everyone out of the loop.
ok no problem
i undrestand
Posted 22 December 2004 - 11:13 PM
I'm guessing as soon as the SDK is publicly available you will be seeing many more add-ins. The HP SDK isn't easy to use. HP has a proprietary CPU and assembly language. To write a program you need to know Saturn assembly and/or System RPL (a proprietary, stack based language for HP calculators).
The ClassPad SDK has a lot of stuff in it, and you really need to know C++, but I think there are a lot more people that know C++ than RPL.

I'm really hoping after the SDK is publicly released we will see many more engineering and science add-ins.
Posted 23 December 2004 - 01:34 AM
The HP SDK isn't easy to use. HP has a proprietary CPU and assembly language. To write a program you need to know Saturn assembly and/or System RPL (a proprietary, stack based language for HP calculators).
The ClassPad SDK has a lot of stuff in it, and you really need to know C++, but I think there are a lot more people that know C++ than RPL.
To the contrary, modern HP calculators use perfectly standard ARM CPU's. HP's SDK is crap, yes, but there is a free C compiler for it. You don't need to know RPL at all.
Posted 23 December 2004 - 05:52 AM

How about new year holiday?the Christmas holiday is slowing things down a little

OS file size is so large, while the content which is transfer to ClassPad is not as large as its original size. I think Casio should provide program called " OS update installer " in order to decrease the size.

Posted 23 December 2004 - 05:58 AM
hmm... on second thought i wonder if im allowed to say that

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