Hello to all, I do not speak very well groins and given q do not I find ningun forum in Spaniard (spanish) him pondre aqui to see if someone understands me.
my problem is q al to plan kiero q of an expreison as x/2 to the q I give a value from 3 to the x (x=3) can store it in a variable (a) in the following way:
Itself it is not stored me as a numero decimal if not q is kept like 3/2.
In the administrator of variables I select the variable to and 3/2 appears me.
I do not find ningun command for q be stored me as decimal and not like expresion.
the problem comes q when they are expresion very large and q ademas they are repeated verias times (are inside a loop), me kedo without memory!!! and I do not obtain the result, (example program of newton to obtain a value)
I need helps urgent q arrive the exams and themselves not as to solve it

Help In Programation(traducido Por Un Traductor)
Started by
, Jan 07 2005 09:48 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 07 January 2005 - 09:48 PM
Posted 07 January 2005 - 10:35 PM
I am not sure if I understand your problem completely,
but I will try to answer it.
It sounds like you are having a problem with expressions getting too big when used recursively in a loop.
You can force 3/2 to be 1.5 using the "approx" function. This can speed up a loop. For example, the program below will get very slow because "a" will become a big expression.
You can solve this problem using the "approx" function...
Does this solve your problem?

It sounds like you are having a problem with expressions getting too big when used recursively in a loop.
You can force 3/2 to be 1.5 using the "approx" function. This can speed up a loop. For example, the program below will get very slow because "a" will become a big expression.
NOTE: EXAMPLE ONLY. THIS WILL NOT COMPILE: 2 -> a for i=1 to 100 (a+1)^(1/2) -> a next
You can solve this problem using the "approx" function...
NOTE: EXAMPLE ONLY. THIS WILL NOT COMPILE: 2 -> a for i=1 to 100 approx((a+1)^(1/2)) -> a next
Does this solve your problem?
Posted 07 January 2005 - 11:40 PM
You have solved my problem,thank you very much

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