I am familiar with FFT on the HP49g+. This could easily be written for the ClassPad (even as an add-in). The numeric algorithms are very well documented. In fact, Numerical Recipes in C is a very good reference and is available on-line. It has a huge number of other numeric algorithms too (like Eigensystems, Gamma, Beta, Bessel functions, etc.) that could be put into an add-in. If anyone is interested in making an add-in like this and have any question feel free to ask for my help/advice. 
Good idea, but such algorithms should not implemented as "add-ins". If they do, they will be almost useless, because other built-in applications will not be able to use them. I would like to see such algorithms as part of the OS, so that they could be used in a basic program, or an eActivity.
the ClassPad has a more powerful CAS.
I strongly disagree with that. I don't like HP calculators, but lets face it, their CAS is better than ClassPad. For example, I have found many indefinite integrals that cannot be computed in ClassPad, although HP49g+ is able to evaluate them correctly (some of them are already posted in the "Bugs" topic). However, ClassPad HAS the potential to become a better CAS calculator than HPs. Again, the solution is a BETTER OS!
I had read the comments of my fellowes about the "Unit converter" and another stuff MISSED AGAIN by CASIO's HOT SHOTS.
I can't believe that the "Unit converter" is such a good thing to implement in ClassPad, although I have seen many posts demanding this feature. There are MANY other more important things that should be added in the OS...
Like i said. Definitely, CASIO is not listening the users and do what they wants to do. Really, i did trust in CASIO and their OS 2.00 version but, i was wrong.
If someone in CASIO read this words, i want that they now that i WAS a fan of CASIO Machines but now, i'll think 99999999999999999999999 times before buy another machine of this brand.
I'm afraid he has a point here.
I expected a better CAS and a better basic in OS 2. What I have found is only minor improvements: the "verify" command and the spreadsheet. ClassPad is not a PDA, made to run Word and Excel, it is a CAS calculator! I can live without a spreadsheet, but I cannot use ClassPad efficiently without a better CAS and a better basic.
I'm also very disappointed.

ClassPad cannot definitely win the competition without a serious OS upgrade.
Edited by 2072, 08 August 2005 - 04:26 PM.