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#1 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 07:43 AM

Ok, yesterday i thought of something that might end up being pretty helpfull for some people. at the moment i only have a demo availible but it has some neat features (i need more ideas on things to add though). it can: Run programs from Main; Store the Ans var into z (easier to type); Run scripts from Main... i just need more ideas and i can make it do most anything. :)

it works by using the Pause command to let it stay active in the background while you switch to Main (you have to use the top menu to do this though, it tells you in the program). once in Main you can unpause at will to bring up the options menu, from there you can access any of the programs funtions and use it to run other programs if you want. if the program you run isnt terminated and give control back to OSMOD then OSMOD will re-pause and let you keep working.

you can download the demo here: http://crimsoncasio....ssPad/OSMOD.zip
(this comes with an updated version of the standard library that you will need to run the program, the registry is also included)

#2 omegavirus


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Posted 03 July 2005 - 05:44 PM

wow i heve been testing it and it is the coolest program I have seen in a long time because it is just very helpfull and simple :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I will continue using it to find bugs if i can :thumbsup:

#3 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 12:36 AM

feature suggestions would also be nice, anything you would like to be able to do in main that you cant right now. As for bugs, im not to concerned about that in the demo but i will be implementing a "error proof" input method in this program to prevent crashes (you dont want to have to re-run it just cause you hit the wrong key).

the program run feature is probably the most usefull thing about this, it really expands the capabilities of Main, anyone that had previously wanted to be able to run a program from there can now do so. Untill Casio allows this to be done naturally in the OS this is the best way to do it... Basic to the rescue ;)

just tell me if you want something added, or if you have a program that does something the OS cant normally send it (or link it) to me and i'll include it.

#4 Filip Georgijev

Filip Georgijev

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Posted 04 July 2005 - 01:00 PM

People who love ClassPad Basic are my friends... In fact, I have already included ErrorProof in all my Basic programs... Dear Crimson, I hope I have ispired you...

#5 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 04 July 2005 - 05:48 PM

err, not really... i just decided that it would be easy enough to check all input as a string (see if its a proper option, contains no sentax errors, etc), then i convert it to a number if needed... normally i wouldnt bother to put this level of error checking in but it will be a huge pain to restart this program so its needed. I dont know what you do, but let me know if it works well, if its better than my method i'll switch over.

#6 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 02:37 AM

ok, new version is up (same link), features 99% error proof input and is now made to work with the registry. ive had an idea for another feature which will be in the next version.

#7 omegavirus


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 04:10 AM

idea? which one tell us somethig abouth it please....... :D

i will check the new version and also know taht filip will do it if he has time.

by the way is that didicult to Saltaire to add something like this to the OS? it is just a question........ ^_^

#8 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 04:51 PM

probably not, but it would take months to get approval from casio.

the idea i doing now is a window launcher, you'll be able to launch any window Basic can open and work with it while OSMOD remains running.
i'll also add a basic calculator option so that you can do simple calculations on screens where you normally could not.

#9 SoftCalc


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 06:59 PM

by the way is that didicult to Saltaire to add something like this to the OS? it is just a question........  ^_^


Interesting... what if you could run any program from MAIN or EACTIVITY? Would this be enough, or would you like to see more?

#10 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 07:48 PM

that would be enought by itself, it would make 99% of this program moot. the only reason im making this is to give people the ability to run programs from anywhere (main specifically), the rest of it is just bonus material... however, if runing programs from main were built in this effect could be replicated easily (ex, instead of using OSMOD to run a cp-script you just type script("blah;") and it runs)... it would however be nice if we could gt programs to return values... not needed, but nice...

btw, the OSMOD.mcs also contains an updated version of the standard library, so make sure you load that into your calc too or things wont work properly.

#11 Filip Georgijev

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Posted 08 July 2005 - 02:08 PM

Dear Crimson, I am so sorry that I am going on a holiday tomorrow, although the weather forecast for this region is awful! :banghead: However, I shall come back in a week and I promise that I will explore the program carefully! :cry: Meanwhile, do not forget to read my new topic Dr. Frankenstein! :profanity: I thought that the ClassPad was a more modern tool until these discoveries! :rant: Have a nice time!
P.S. Handling the input as a string is the correct way to check for validness! :nod: Also, try to make the input to support unlimited number of separators (semicolons commas, blank spaces) everywhere! :plol: By the way, I am creating my first add-in! :roflol: However, I would like to be pleasantly surprized! :lol2: Enjoy your life!

#12 omegavirus


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Posted 09 July 2005 - 01:15 AM

That would be enought SoftCalc at this moment :P , as CrimsonCasio it it would make 99% of this program moot, so lets se if it becomes true and to tell you the true you soun very sospicious SoftCalc :greengrin: so lets wait it in CASIO time or in normal time? just a question.......... :)

#13 CrimsonCasio


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Posted 14 July 2005 - 10:59 PM

ok, new beta is ready. i'll upload it in about 2min :)

(if your reading this now, its uploaded)

#14 masoodkardorost



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 07:46 PM

Ok, yesterday i thought of something that might end up being pretty helpfull for some people. at the moment i only have a demo availible but it has some neat features (i need more ideas on things to add though). it can: Run programs from Main; Store the Ans var into z (easier to type); Run scripts from Main... i just need more ideas and i can make it do most anything. :)

it works by using the Pause command to let it stay active in the background while you switch to Main (you have to use the top menu to do this though, it tells you in the program). once in Main you can unpause at will to bring up the options menu, from there you can access any of the programs funtions and use it to run other programs if you want. if the program you run isnt terminated and give control back to OSMOD then OSMOD will re-pause and let you keep working.

you can download the demo here: http://crimsoncasio....ssPad/OSMOD.zip
(this comes with an updated version of the standard library that you will need to run the program, the registry is also included)

the link is damaged or ...

plz upload it somewhere else

#15 betoe


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Posted 25 February 2008 - 02:29 AM

I doubt that crimsoncasio will upload this file again because he is not an active member right now. And i dont know if you can find this file in other website, try to google it.

#16 masoodkardorost



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Posted 25 February 2008 - 05:18 AM

I download it now with this link
this one is OS-MOD v1.2

#17 Behnoud


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 09:16 PM

It seems really helpful. thanks a lot waiting for latest release!

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