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Numerical Calculations

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#1 mortezahaydari


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Posted 17 July 2005 - 08:39 AM

I had written some step-by-step numerical programs for my exam,like newton-rafson(1D,2D,3D),rangkota,calculating landa for a matrix and etc. , if there is anyone that has algorithms in this cases,i like to talk about them.

#2 PAP


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 11:02 AM

I had written some step-by-step numerical programs for my exam,like newton-rafson(1D,2D,3D),rangkota,calculating landa for a matrix and etc. , if there is anyone that has algorithms in this cases,i like to talk about them.


I tried to write such programs because I also need them. However, the lack of functions containing more than one command stopped me. The only way I found to emulate a function in ClassPad is to write a program that returns the answer as a global variable. For example, a simple program
implementing the Newton-Raphson method should calculate the root of the function f(x) by using x=xguess as the initial guess of the root. However, the root found cannot be returned to the main program, because a program cannot return anything. So, the program NewtRaph should return the answer by means of a global variable, say "root". After that, you should do a "DelVar root" to delete the global variable, if you do not need it anymore.
I simply refuse to write programs this way. If you have a better way to overpass the problem, I will be happy to know. But I think that there is no such way, bacause of the serious limitations of the ClassPad's basic....

#3 mortezahaydari


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Posted 07 August 2005 - 07:14 AM

I have the problem too. i use input and print functions in program and the delvar too.it's such a universal problem

#4 unique33


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Posted 02 September 2005 - 09:59 PM

I have some such program , use this site view them

. Numerical Integration

Rectangular Rule
Trapezoidal Rule
MidPoint Rule
Simpton Rule
Rumberg Rule
. Numerical Differentiation

Backward Method
Forward Method
. Differential Equations

Roung Kutta
Adams Bathforth
Predictor Corrector
. Fourier Series Calculation and plot
. a Laplace transform Function
. an activity on Inverse Laplace transform

#5 MicroPro


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 01:41 PM

I had written some step-by-step numerical programs for my exam,like newton-rafson(1D,2D,3D),rangkota,calculating landa for a matrix and etc. , if there is anyone that has algorithms in this cases,i like to talk about them.

Sorry, but "Landa" is wrong. You must write "Lambda".
What kind of algorithms do you need? What's your major at university or highschool? "Maybe" I can help you.

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