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Const & Conv

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#1 omegavirus


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Posted 28 July 2005 - 01:00 AM

Hi, Tran made an add-in that can make unit conversions and also has constans, it is very usefull for me and for everyone who needs units :D

Thanks Tran you continue something started by Daniel (CZE) whit his unit support in library, I hope some day the class pad has an official unit support but by now this is the most helpfull add-in for me in a long time :greengrin:

Also the new games made by Greg Williams hepls in buring time... B)

#2 TacoFred


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Posted 28 July 2005 - 04:16 PM

i'd like some more units.....
maybe the source code can be made available?

#3 betoe


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 03:09 AM

It would be nice, or at lest than we can tell you what to add etc...

@omegavirus: Tacofred te dice si podr?as poner disponible el c?digo fuente de tu programa para que el pueda modificarlo.

#4 omegavirus


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 04:00 AM

jajaja yo no lo hice betoe, lo hizo otra persona......... =)

#5 omegavirus


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 06:05 AM

Here is a link very ussefull about a unit conversion add-in whit the source, also a CP SDK tutorial and some add-ins are in the page, thangs to CPVN.


enjoy it.............

#6 Lovecasio


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Posted 05 August 2005 - 01:38 AM

The source code is now available for download.
When modify the code to suit your needs, please note that "call main window" is not supported by the current ClassPad SDK, so they won't work on computer, but be able to work on the ClassPad. Also note that you may recieve the error about "strange" characters while compling, but don't worry, anything will work well despite the error.
Well, it is my first add-in for ClassPad, and I am new to C++. There is somewhere be not good programming ( :) :) :) so don't smile me :lol: :lol: :lol: ). Feel free to modify it.
I am happy because someone really needs it and like it.

#7 2072


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Posted 07 August 2005 - 08:14 PM

Did you add it to the FileSharing? ;)

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