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#81 2072


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Posted 16 November 2005 - 11:01 PM

OK, I moved the Linux VS <{GNULINUX}> name discussion in the new topic named GNU/Linux VS Linux, The right name is <{GNULINUX}>

#82 samy


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 04:02 PM

hello everybody
I have got some questions :D :
-For the bitmap, there will be an editor on calc (as it is for mlc1)?
-Concerning the editor, how will it work? (I wonder, if there will be a function (as in basic editor) to search, because it is very useful in big programs...)

#83 huhn_m


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 06:37 AM

The editor is not a priority. As is the bitmap editor.

All of them,of course are possible, but I'm not sure if I have the skills.
I first want to finish the MLC2 itsself and then I think about thos things.

#84 samy


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 07:45 AM

ok, I ask this, because you speak in your estimations, of a release in december 2006, that's why I wonder how it will be. But there is time before this date, and moreover, it is not a priority.. but I will wait because I have no skill at all in this.
I hope this will be ready the sooner, because it is a great work. good luck

#85 huhn_m


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 06:19 AM

some of the next versions of the MLC2 program will include a PC side program that allows you to upload and download programs from and to the calc. However, you still need to type them in with a text editor on the PC.

Actually I plan for a final release of MLC2 (the main program) in July though I'm not sure since the animation system and the sprite system (what I considder the most difficult parts) have not even been started. It all depends on when I get my notebook back from service and how well everything works then.

Thanks for your encouragement!!!

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